The things used instead of using your voice to get an answer.
What are hand signals?
When going anywhere with your class.
What is students in a straight line on the right side of the hallway while transitioning with the class.
Where should students wait to enter a classroom?
Get up from the table to go get silverware
What is I should have the things I need BEFORE I sit down?
Ask permission, sign out, get pass, go directly, go quickly, return to class with the pass, sign back in
What is the procedure for an individual restroom break?
Ready, Responsible, Respectful
What are the LMS behavior expectations?
Located on the bookshelf.
What is the sign out sheet for the restroom?
Noise level in the hallway
What is quiet or a whisper?
What is being in the stairwell?
Walk quietly in a straight line, wait your turn, stay with the class, return quietly to the classroom.
What is the class restroom break procedure?
Traffic cones
What are the places students ser not allowed to go in the classroom?
Located on the whiteboard that must be taken to leave the class.
What is the restroom pass?
Something was left in another class
What is not having what is required in all classes?
Nothing is left behind.
What is cleaning up after yourself?
Travel directly from one class to the next without stopping.
What is not using the restroom between classes?
No physical contact as you pass friends or classmates.
What is keeping your hands and feet to yourself?