The Rainy Day Bible verse
Psalms 30:5
The raven and the swan Moral
A change of scene dose not change one's character
A story that teaches a biblical truth
use of wording that incorporates such things as metaphors, similes, personification, etc.
Figurative language
Midnight Storm Bible verse
Job 36
The swallows Advice Moral
If the seed of evil is not destroyed it will grow up to destroy you
Stuggles that comes from outside of one's self
External conflict
Authors attitude towards his subject
Words that look like they should rhyme but don't
eye rhyme
Elizabeth Bradstreet Bible verse
Job 14:5
The farmer and the stork Moral
You are judged by the company you keep
Use of a word that creates a picture in ones mind
Various struggles within or between characters in a literary work.
comparisons or renaming something not using like or as
The windmill Bible verse
Amos 4:13
comparisons using like or as
reason behind a character's specific action
A line that is repeated in several stanzas in a poem
Extreme. exaggeration/ overstatement that makes writing very memoirable
The Hillside Thaw Bible verse
Psalms 147:16
the most used type of rhyming in a poem
End ryhme
Psychological struggle within the mind of a character
Internal Conflict
a short story that teaches a moral
parts of words which are pranced with more emphasis than others
stressed sylables