It is used when someone needs to calm down or relax, especially if they are feeling angry or overly emotional.
Cool down
This is the term used to describe the position that comes immediately after the first.
This phrasal verb means to spend time with friends or relax in a casual way.
To hang out.
This holiday, celebrated on October 31st, involves costumes, trick-or-treating, and spooky decorations.
This round fruit is often red, green, or yellow and is commonly eaten raw or used in pies and juices.
It’s a way of telling someone that they should not even think about doing something, often because it will make the speaker angry or upset.
Don´t you dare
This ordinal number refers to the position that comes after the sixth.
This verb means to hold a special event, often with friends or family, to mark a significant occasion.
To celebrate
This verb means to move quickly, often because you’re running late or need to get somewhere in a short amount of time.
To hurry
This food is a common Italian dish, made of dough, often topped with cheese, tomato, and various other toppings, and baked.
It’s typically used when someone is being too noisy, talking too much, or saying something that the speaker doesn’t want to hear.
Zip it
This is the ordinal number for the position that comes after the twenty-fourth.
This verb means to distribute or share something with others, often to ensure it reaches a wide area.
To spread
This noun refers to a type of furniture, often made of fabric or rope, that you hang between two trees and use to relax in.
This grain-based food is often eaten for breakfast, served with milk or yogurt, and can be sweetened or topped with fruits and nuts.
It's often used to tell someone to stop bringing up a particular topic or to stop continuing a certain behavior.
Drop that
This ordinal number describes the position that comes immediately after the thirtieth.
This verb means to increase in size or amount over time.
To grow
This verb means to move from one side to the other, often by going over something or through a space.
To cross
This creamy, cold dessert is made from milk, sugar, and flavorings like vanilla or chocolate, and is often enjoyed on a hot day.
It can be used when you want someone to go away without being too polite, often in a frustrated or angry way.
Get lost
This ordinal number refers to the position that comes after the seventy-ninth.
This verb is used when showing appreciation or giving gratitude to someone for something they did.
To thank
This verb means to exchange or change something with someone or something else.
To switch
This fruit is tropical, has a tough, spiky outer shell, and sweet, yellow flesh inside. It's often eaten fresh