honey can eat...
dog biscuits and carrots
sonnys nutritious lunch
up and go
best driver
biekas past positions of employment
spotlight, dominoes, maccas
one place bieka got stuck
on a ski slope
honeys age
food bieka got delivered
colour of camry
sonnys time spent at spotlight
3 years
honeys favourite human (outside family)
sometimes bieka
best thing cooked on free period
engine size of picanto
1.2 ltr
names of 2 spotlight workers (not sonny)
julie and brett
place evie wants to go when 18
byron piano bar
3 of honeys near misses
drowning, bit by snake, chocking on bluebottle, pancreatitis, eating bowl of saltana bran, eating bag of easter eggs
the most appropriate post exam food
ballina fair sushi
number of hours saoirse has
about 40
language mum has taught
sign language
place visited most at hang outs
honeys dead name
plant doc bravaro stole
buluer (RIP so sad)
place evie can't go back to due to overstaying
tintenbar shop