What year did James become King of England?
When was Charles' executed?
Who’s actions are analyzed in Clive Holmes et al.'s critique of Mark Kishlansky's work?
Charles the I
What 3 countries were brought together to create Magna Britannia at the beginning of James' reign?
England, Scotland, Catholic Ireland
When did Charles' personal rule begin? (Month & Year)
March 1629
What is the name of the bible translation James’ commissioned?
King James' Bible
What were the names of James’ favorites and what were their titles?
Robert Carr - Earl of Somerset
George Villiers - Duke of Buckingham
Why did Charles have to build a Catholic Church in the center of England?
Was in the negotiations for when he married Henrietta Maria
Kishlansky argues that this significant war in England was not solely caused by Charles I’s
The English Civil War
Who was involved in the Overbury Scandal?
Robert Carr, Francis Howard, Thomas Overbury
Name 2 of 4 of the Parliaments requirements in the Petition of Rights.
No billeting of troops
No unparliamentary taxation
No imprisonment without cause
No imposition of Marshall Law
In Clives’ argument, what bishop’s reform did Charles support?
Archbishop Laud