Other then entering and exiting a room, name 3 times when you should perform hand hygiene?
Before and after touching a patient, after touching blood and body fluids, after glove removal, in between procedures, whenever hands are soiled, before and after eating, after using bathroom
What emergency code do you use when you smell smoke?
Order # 1
Name 3 items we are not allowed to store on the WOWs?
Food, Drink, needles, syringes, saline flushes, unattended medications.
Where can you find Griffin Hospital policies and procedures?
On the Griffin Home Page under Policy Manager
How do we assess our patients risk for suicide?
Upon admission we ask specific questions to patient about thoughts of self harm.
Name 2 reasons why you need to wash your hands with soap and water instead of alcohol cleanser
C Diff patients, when hands visibly soiled, before and after using the bathroom.
Name 3 reasons to call a rapid response?
What would you do if a surveyor asked you question and you were not sure of the answer
Don't guess, Admit you are unsure of answer and state you would use your resources to find the answer- chain of command, look up policy or procedure on Intranet
logging off unattended computers, not talking about patients in public places like elevator, Shredding documents with patient identifiers, accessing only the charts of patients we are taking care of.
How do we prevent pressure ulcers?
Turn q 2 hours, heels floated off bed, wedge pillow behind back, frequent incontinent care, adequate nutrition. Mepilex to bony prominences.
Name 3 types of patients who would need airborne isolation?
TB, Chicken Pox, Covid (ventilated, high flow, nebulizer), Shingles
What is the procedure for reporting critical test results?
The lab phones the nurse to report the lab value. The nurse notifies the provider and documents on the critical value form. The time from lab result to provider must be less than 60 Minutes
We do not accept verbal orders except in an emergency, Pharmacy verifies all medications, our pyxis machine only allows removal of profiled medications, we scan ID and medications and verify name and DOB with all patients.
How do you know the expiration date for Glucometer Strips and Controls
When the bottles are opened, the expiration date is written on the bottles. Strips are good for 6 months, controls are good for 3 months.
What is a sentinel event?
A sentinel event is an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury
What items can be stored in the cabinet below any sink?
Nothing can be stored in cabinets below sinks.
What does RACE and PASS stand for?
Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish
Pull, AIM, Squeeze, Sweep
What is a time out procedure and name a procedure on your unit for which you would perform a time out.
A time out is performed prior to the start of an invasive procedure to verify correct patient, procedure, correct site. Central line, thoracentesis, I+D.
Are there any medications that you prepare in advance, not at the bedside? What is the procedure for these medications
Medications need to be labeled when they are not going to be immediately administered to a patient. Insulin for example-We draw it up by the pyxis machine, then put a printed patient label on the syringe. The insulin is then taken directly to the patient to be administered with no break in the process.
What is your unit doing to improve performance and clinical outcomes?
Safety Huddles, Quality Boards, UPC meetings, Fall Precautions, Medication Side Effects, Mobilizing Patients, Biovigil, Scanning of wrist bands and medications.
When should you ask for an order for C Diff Specimen?
After a patient has had 3 loose stools without being given any laxatives.
What would you do if a Code Pink was activated?
Missing Infant procedure-search unit, station someone at each exit. Everyone must enter and exit through CBC/Security Door. Notify security of any suspicious persons.
What type of education and training do you receive for your current job role?
Nursing Orientation, one on one preceptor training at the bedside, Inservices, classes, skills fair, Health Stream Modules, Educator and Transition Coach support.
How do you know if the medical equipment you are using is safe?
All equipment is inspected by Bio Med prior to use. A sticker on the equipment indicates when it is due for routine reinspection. If any equipment is not working correctly, we remove it from use, label it and send it for repair/inspection.
When would you initiate medical restraints on a patient?
As a last resort, only after alternative measures have been attempted and failed to keep patient safe.