Whose line is it anyways?
Which president was it?
Scandalous singers
What a year!
Where are we????

“My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.”

Who is Forrest Gump/Tom Hanks?


His fifth cousin later became president. He survived an assassination attempt and went on to give a speech before going to a hospital. He would sometimes box his aides as he was very fond of boxing. 

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?


This musician married to Yoko Ono sparked lots of controversy when he said his band the Beatles were bigger than Jesus.

Who is John Lennon?


The first case of Covid in the USA is spotted. Joe Biden is elected president. BLM protests start after the murders of George Floyd and Breanna Taylor.

When is 2020?


This European city contains wonders such as the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. 

Where is Paris?


"Just keep swimming"

Who is Dory/Ellen Degeneres?


The debates before his election were the first to ever be televised. Is one of the only presidents to have won a Pulitzer. Was the first catholic president and is one of only 2 catholic presidents in the history of the US.

Who is John F. Kennedy?


Before being cancelled for hate speech and other terrible things this rapper and entrepreneur took a music video of the year award away from Taylor swift claiming that Beyonce deserved it and not her.

Who is Kanye West?

Many people thought the world would end this year due to a mayan calendar conspiracy. The hunger games premieres in theater. Obama wins re-election over Mitt Romney

When is 2012?


"That's what she said"

Who is Michael Scott/Steve Carrell?


This president's career actually started out as a sports announcer. He later went on to be an actor. Was governor before becoming president.

Who is Ronald Reagan?


This sibling of Michael Jackson had a wardrobe malfunction during her Super Bowl halftime show that exposed her breast on live tv.

Who is Janet Jackson?


Tom Brady wins his first Super Bowl. I am born. The first toby Maguire spider-man movie goes into theaters. President Bush and Russian leader Vladimir Putin agree to decrease their nuclear warhead totals by around 2000. 

When is 2002?


"I'm the king of the world!"

Who is Jack/Leonardo DiCaprio?


This president changed his first name as he didn't like that his initials spelled out HUG. During his presidency he got a $20 speeding ticket for riding his horses too fast on a dc street. He was a civil war veteran. 

Who is Ulysses S. Grant?


This singer of "mercy mercy me" was killed by his own father at just 44 years old.

Who is Marvin Gaye?


Pearl Harbor is attacked by Japan leading to the US getting fully involved in WW2. Cheerios then known as CheeriOats are introduced to the world by General Mills. Green Arrow, Aquaman and Scarecrow all make their debuts for DC comics.

When is 1941?


This state, known for its potato farming, is home to the Potato Museum in addition to shoshone falls and the Warhawk air museum.

Where is Idaho?


"No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!"

Who is Walter White/Brian Cranston?


This president had the shortest presidency at just 31 days. He had the longest inaugural address at 105 minutes. He chose not to wear a coat or hat to appear strong for his address leading him to get pneumonia and die.

Who is William Henry Harrison?


This musician who recently passed was chastised when she went on SNL and ripped up a picture of the pope during her performance.

Who is Sinead O'Connor?


US supreme court case Roe v Wade is decided. The Vietnam war ends. The 1st mobile phone call is made. 

When is 1973
