What is our classroom #
Room #215
This is Sr.Eman's ______ year teaching 5th grade
5th year
How many pencils must you have with you ready for class?
sharpen before 1st period or before dismissal only.
When are you allowed to walk around the classroom?
You must ask to get a tissue, throw something away, etc.. you are never allowed to simply walk around.
How many people are allowed outside of the classroom at a time? bathroom, water etc?
1 person.
No matter the gender.
Take a pass
Every ___ points you will get a Dojo reward
Must fill out the chart. No reward until I initiate your 25 points. If you lose the chart I will not print a new one for you until you reach 100 points.
What should you take with you to the last period every day?
Take your backpack with you to the last period, and fill out your planner throughout the day.
Sr.Eman's dream job when she grows up
You can turn in late homework
HW is due the second you walk into the classroom. No late work will ever be accepted unless its an EXCUSED absence from the front office.
During dismissal, 5th graders must
Sit down
Listen to their name
No talking
Sign out with Sr.Eman
You have to _____ the speaker
No matter who is talking your lips must be sealed. If you hear ME talking, you MUST STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING!
Fire Drill Procedure
Line up in front of whatever classroom number you are in. Teacher takes attendace
Sr.Eman's cats name is....
Give me 5 means
Zip it
Lock it
Listen to Sr.Eman
Drop what you are doing
Before lunch what must be on your desk?
If the person sitting next to you is absent
You will fill out a form for them with all the classroom/homework/ anything we did in class. Absent student will ask you for help before they ask me
What must be on the right top corner of every single assignment you turn in?
How should CW be collected?
Students will take the papers/work and pass it down. Students on the ends of the row will put it in the classwork bin
How many times a week do you have science or social studies?
2 times each
No name on any turned-in work results in
10% off final grade on that assignment
Salah procedure?
Make wudu through out the day
Take Salah bag with you
Put shoes on
Line up and walk to class quietly!
Name one city Sr.Eman lived in before Tampa
Chicago, Jacksonville or Milwaukee
How does a 5th grader walk in the halls?
Lined up
First person in line leads us where we must go and opens the door
Lips sealed, eyes in the front, straight line.