What was the name of Moses’ sister, who watched over him when he was placed in the Nile?
Who is Miriam?
In the Sermon on the Mount, what did Jesus say the meek shall inherit?
What is the earth?
What sea did Moses part to escape the Egyptians?
What is the Red Sea?
Which prophet spent three days in the belly of a great fish?
Who is Jonah?
How many times did Peter deny Jesus before the rooster crowed?
What is three times?
What was created on the fourth day of creation?
What are the sun, moon, and stars?
What is the greatest commandment according to Jesus?
What is "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind"?
What city's walls fell after the Israelites marched around it for seven days?
What is Jericho?
Which prophet was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire?
Who is Elijah?
Who was the only female judge of Israel?
Who is Deborah?
Who was the priest and judge of Israel who anointed both Saul and David as kings?
Who is Samuel?
In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, what animal was killed for the feast upon the son's return?
What is the fatted calf?
What city was Paul heading to when he was struck blind and converted?
What is Damascus?
What prophet had a vision of a giant tree being cut down, which represented Nebuchadnezzar’s fall?
Who is Daniel?
How many people were on Noah's ark?
What is eight? (Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives.)
Which Old Testament figure wrestled with an angel and had his name changed to Israel?
Who is Jacob?
In the Parable of the Ten Virgins, what were the five foolish virgins missing?
What is oil for their lamps?
What body of water did Jesus walk on?
What is the Sea of Galilee?
What kind of bird brought food to Elijah while he was hiding in the wilderness?
What is a raven?
Who was the only disciple to die of natural causes?
Who is John?
Which two men were allowed to enter the Promised Land after the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years?
Who are Joshua and Caleb?
What is Love?
What island was John exiled to when he wrote the Book of Revelation?
What is Patmos?
What prophet saw a vision of dry bones coming to life?
Who is Ezekiel?
Who was the Roman governor that sentenced Jesus to be crucified?
Who is Pontius Pilate?