Where was the Boston Massacre?
What is Boston
Round 2.2567 to the nearest whole number
What is 2
What is a fraction?
What is a part of a whole
What does Ms. M say a lot?
What is stop talking
True or False: Giraffes are more likely to get struck by lightning than humans are.
What is true
Who Led the Patriots to victory?
What is George Washigton
True or False:
The word "decimal" is derived from the Latin word "decimus", meaning "hundredth".
What is False
What is the bottom part of the fraction called?
What is the denominator
Where did Ms. M student teach at Franklin? (teacher and grade)
What is Mrs. Kamara, 4th grade
what is the hardest bone in the body?
What year was the Stamp Act repealed?
What is 1766
Round to the nearest tenth: 6567.0986
What is 6567.1
True or False: the line in a fraction indicates the operation of division
what is true
What is Ms. M's favorite color?
What is purple
Where on Earth is home to the largest ice sheet?
What is Antarctica
What was the slogan that everyone was putting around to end taxes during the Townshed Act?
What is "No Taxation without Representation!"
What is a decimal?
what is A decimal point is a dot used in numbers to separate the whole number part from the fractional part.
simplify: 12/24
What is 1/2
Where is Ms.M travelling this summer?
What is Europe
what is the oldest living land animal on earth
What is is a 192-year-old tortoise named Jonathan.
What were the main causes of the American Revolution?
What is British attempts for greater control over the colonies, "taxation without representation," and escalating tensions over issues like the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party
round to the nearest ten thousandths place: 56.89079
What is parentheses, exponents, multiply, divide, add, and subtract
What is Ms.M's secret talent?
What is she doesn't have one.
What can a crocodile not do?
what is Stick out their tounge