Role of the Counselor
Topics Taught
Character Traits
Academic Skills
Careers/Just for Fun

Meetings where the school counselor meets with the entire class at one time

What is Guidance


A repeated mean behavior that occurs over time where the person intentionally means to harm someone and there is an imbalance of power.

What is bullying


The quality of being good and truthful: not lying, stealing, or cheating.

What is honesty


When you do not understand what was taught the only way that you will learn is if you do this.

What is Ask Questions


What is Mrs. Mosley's favorite color?

What is red?


Meetings where the school counselor meets with 4-6 students with a similar need?

What is small group counseling


Happy, Sad, Frustrated, Angry, and Surprised are a few of these that School Counselors teach.

What are feelings or emotions


Working together in order to complete a common goal.

What is cooperation


Get a good night sleep, Eat a healthy breakfast, Read each question carefully and marking through answers that you know are not true are all examples of this.

What is Test Taking Skills


A job in the Education career cluster might be:

What is a (pick one) teacher, coach, media specialist, principal, assistant principal, encore teacher


Meetings where the school counselor provides assistance to students 1 on 1

What is individual counseling


School counselors often teach younger students how to get along and to be around those that they enjoy being with this. This is known as…

What is friendship skills


A feeling or understanding that someone or something is important and should be treated in an appropriate way. We use this trait around those in authority (teachers, parents)

What is Respect


What are the 3 core Values of PBIS??

Respect, Responsibility, Safe


A job in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) might be...

What is a doctor, engineer, scientist, veterinarian, .... ask Ms. Monto if you are not sure!!


This is the trust between counselor and student, where the counselor will not tell others (parent, teacher) what is shared by the student unless the student is in danger or is being hurt. This word is similiar to privacy, but is...(hint - starts with a C)

What is confidentiality


This word means doing something or working really hard at something without giving up!

What is Perseverence


A duty or task that you are required or expected to do.

What is Responsibility


Eyes are watching, no talking, hands are still, body is still and calm. When I am doing all that, I am...

What is Listening


What is something that Mrs. Mosley likes to do?

What is watch movies.


True or False...if you are having trouble learning material in your classes or with organization, Ms. Beck can help you out?

What is TRUE! We can schedule a time for you to talk to Ms. Beck about it.


When people do not agree it is important that they know how to solve their problems. Examples include saying you are sorry, sharing, or agreeing to disagree. Being able to solve problems is known as ...

What is conflict resolution


The feeling that you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions : the ability to share someone else's feelings

What is Empathy


Auditory, Kinesthetic, and Visual are all examples of these.

What are Learning Styles


This year in guided reading, I am most excited to talk and learn about...

What is share your answers.  Mrs. Mosley wants to hear from you.
