This is also called the G clef
What is the Treble Clef
1/4 note + 1/4 note + half note =?
What equals 4 beats
This note is on the 2nd space
What is A
This note is the 2nd line
This has 2 different parts that are played at the same
What is a Duet
This rest looks like a hat
What is a half rest
This note is on the fourth line from the bottom
What is a D
This note is on the 4 space
What is an G
This tells you how many beats in a measure and what is equal to one beat
This tells you how loudly or softly to play
What are Dynamics
What equals 3 beats
This note is on the first space
What is an F
This note is on the bottom line
What is a G
This symbol has 2 dots followed by 2 lines
What is a repeat sign
This raises a note by 1/2 step
What is a sharp
What is a whole note
This note is the space below the staff
What is a D
This note is on the space below the staff
What is an F
Lines that extend the staff in either direction
What are Ledger lines.
This appears at the beginning of the staff and tells you which notes to play sharp or flat
What is a Key Signature
1/4 note + 1/2 note + 1/4 note
What equals 4 beats
This note is the space above the top line
What is a G
This note is the space above the top line
What is a B
A Flat, Sharp or a Natural
What is an Accidental