This section of the band is made up of Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, Saxophone
Woodwind Section
Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Timbre, Form, Texture, Dynamics are also known as theses
The Seven Musical Elements
A Passage to be performed with all voices or instruments together
Piano (p)
This symbol directs the performer to take a breath or slight pause
Breath Mark
This section of the band is made up of Trumpet F Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba
Brass Section
A, B, C, D, E , F, G make up this in music
The Musical Alphabet
To perform a group of two or more notes legato (smoothly, without tonguing)
Mezzo Piano
Medium Soft
This symbol indicates that a section of music should be repeated
Repeat Sign
This section of the band is made up of Snare drume, Xylophone, Marimba, Bass Drum, Cymbals and Many More
Percussion Section
This lowers a note by half a step
A Flat
Staccato, tenuto, accent, slur, and marcato are different types of this.
Mezzo Forte
Medium Loud
This symbol shows that there are two different endings surrounding a repeat sign.
First and Second Ending
This position is demonstrated by siting up strait and tall with your instrument on your knee
Ready Position
This raises a note by half step
A Sharp
this sign indicates a momentary departure from the key signature by raising or lowering a note
Forte (f)
This symbol indicates that a note or rest is to be lengthened by an unspecified amount.
This symbol indicates that a note or rest is to be lengthened by an unspecified amount.
Three People Playing at the same time
the space on a staff between two bar lines that music is written
a Symbol at the beginning of a song indicating how many beats per measure there are. Ex. 2/4, ¾, 4/4, 6/8
Time Signature
Pianissimo (pp)
Very quiet
A number or letter written in a piece of music which divide music into sections- making it easier for ensembles to rehearse.
Rehearsal Number