What is a prophet?
Someone who speaks for G-d, and someone who speaks out against injustice
What book of the Torah is the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt in?
What is a judge?
A charismatic leader of the Israelites when they lived in loose tribes without a unified government
What was the name of the gigantic person David defeated with a slingshot?
What's one game we played in Sports this year?
Soccer, volleyball, basketball, dodgeball, frisbee
Name one prophet we've learned about so far this year
Moses, Jonah, Deborah, Samuel, Nathan
What is Moses' sister's name?
What was one animal mentioned in Samson's story?
Lion, bees, donkey, foxes
What gift did Solomon ask for from G-d?
What's one thing we made in Cooking this year?
Bourekas, bagel bites, or hummus
What does the "t" in Tanakh stand for?
How many Israelite tribes were there?
Where did Samson's power come from?
His hair
Where did David move the Israelite capital?
What cause are we donating our tzedakah to?
Split between endangered animals and an animal shelter
What does "n" in Tanakh stand for?
Nevi'im (prophets)
Who was the leader of the Israelites after Moses?
What were the names of one or both of the women we learned about in the song "O General?"
Yael & Deborah
Who was king before David?
What holiday do we read the book of Jonah on?
Yom Kippur
What does the "k" in "Tanakh" stand for?
Ketuvim (writings)
What city did the sound of the shofar knock down its walls?
What was one argument for having a king and what was one argument against having a king?
For: keep up with neighboring countries
Against: kings can be oppresive
What were the winged statues in the temple King Solomon built called?
What is the word written on a golem's forehead?
Emet - truth, which with the first letter erased becomes met - death