This is the sacrament we received when we were a baby.
The season starts with Ash Wednesday
What is Lent
They wrote the 4 gospels in the Bible
Who are Mark, Matthew, Luke and John
This is the matter in Baptism
Holy water
Make me a channel of what
What is Peace
The sacrament of receiving the Body and Blood of Christ
What is the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
The season where we prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ
What is Advent
During concentration, the host and wine becomes...
What is the bread and blood of Christ
Form or word in the Sacrament of Baptism
Where there is hatred
What si Let me sow love
The sacrament when a man marries a woman
What is the Sacrament of Marriage
How many days are in the season of Triduum
What is 3 days
He acts 'in persona Christi Capitis' during Mass
Who is the Priest
The Matter/sign in the Sacrament of Penance
What is Sin
where there is injury
What is Pardon
The Sacrament where we are sealed by the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
What is the Sacrament of Confirmation
How many days are in the season of Easter
What is 50 days
He is the our current parish priest
Who is Fr. Rito Davila
Matter/Sign in the sacrament of Holy Eucharist
Bread and wine
to be understood
What is as to understand
What is the sacrament of Penance
This happened on Good Friday
What is the crucifixion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The prayer that the Lord Jesus Christ teaches us to pray
Our Father
in this Sacrament the minister is the bishop and the matter is oil
What is the sacrament of Holy Order
where there is sadness,
What is Joy