What are the genres for the first two units?
Literacy Lab and Ecosystem
What is the current unit we're learning in Math?
Unit 8: Multiplying Decimals and Fractions
What is the first unit covered in Science?
Plants, Ecosystem, and Photosynthesis
Do we have homework in Social Studies?
All grades are grading on what point scale?
A 4 point Scale
What are the genres for the last two units?
Mystery and Civil Rights
Convert 0.9 liters into mL:
(Hint: 1L = 1,000mL)
What are three things that all plants need to grow?
Sunlight, Carbon Dioxide, and Water
What unit are we in for Social Studies right now?
Unit 3
True or False: Scholars are able to buy back incentives
What is the name of our current core text?
Me, Frida, & The Peacock Ring
Find the volume with the following dimensions:
Length: 4cm
Width: 6cm
Height: 8cm
192 cubic cm
What is the definition of Matter?
Anything with mass and takes up space
Ancient Egypt
If Scholars need to have restorative conversation with another scholar, who on the third floor can Scholars make that request?
Teacher or Behavior Team
What is the definition of theme?
The central idea/message/lesson of work of literature
How many units are in the 5th grade math curriculum?
Calculate the volume using water displacement. The volume of the water in the graduated cylinder is 38mL.
A marble was added to the water, and the water level rose to 45mL. What is the volume of the marble?
How many assessments are there in each unit?
2 assessments (one mid-unit and one end of unit)
How is the grading terms broken down?
By quarters
True or False: Students were required to write their own ecosystem text
Anthony baked 123 donuts. If he planned to serve the donuts equally to nine of his friends the next day and save any left overs donuts for himself, how many donuts will be left for Anthony?
6 donuts
Matter is all around us, some matter looks similar in appearance. What do scientists use in order to determine what type of Matter they're looking for?
Properties of Matter
The Code of Hammurabi
Name 5 Story Elements
Setting, Characters, Plot, Conflict, and Theme