18.18 + 22.74
What is 40.92
46.38 - 43.15
What is 3.23
Write 0.3 as a fraction.
What is 0.3
Order each set of decimals from greatest to least. 0.14, 0.04, 0.40, 0.2
What is 0.40, 0.14, 0.2, 0.04
What number is in the hundredths place
What is 7?
838.0 + 542.7
What is 1380.7
98.62 - 52.31
What is 46.31
Write 0.4 as a fraction.
What is 4/10
Use < , > or = to compare each pair of decimals 0.06 ______0.60
What is <
What number is in the ones place.
What is 3?
72.8 + 37.4
What is 110.2
60.99 - 20.16
What is 40.83
Write 0.12 as a fraction
What is 12/100
Use < , >, or = to compare the set of decimals 4.888_______4.880
What is >
What number is in the tenths place.
What is 1?
0.724 + 6.45
What is 7.174
49.53 - 31.24
What is 18.29
Write 4.290 as a mixed number
What is 4 29/100
Use <, >, or = to compare the set of decimals 2.03_____2.030
What is =
What number is in the tenths place.
What is 9?
49237.87 + 3744.52 + 2095.08
What is 55077.47
406.6508 - 31.4
What is 375.2508
Write 0.416 as a fraction
What is 416/100
Order each set of decimals from greatest to least. 5.22, 5.20, 5.02, 5.25
What is 5.25, 5.22, 5.20, 5.02
What number is in the hundreds place
What is 5?