Titles of Works
Verb Tenses
Conjunctions, Prepositions, and Interjections

Where does the comma go in the following sentence:

You like to play soccer right? 

You like to play soccer, right? 


What is the correct way to write the title:

a book called holes. 

Holes or underlined 


Put the correct verb in the sentence:

I _______________ the dessert, but I was full because I ate so much dinner. 

a) will have tried

b) would have tried

c) have tried 

would have tried


Which word in the following sentence is an interjection:

Wow! I didn't know you played the piano!


Where would you look for information about how to pronounce the word "literary"

a) encyclopedia

b) dictionary

c) atlas



Where do the commas go in the following sentence:

I want to get popcorn candy and a drink when we go to the movies. 

 I want to get popcorn, candy, and a drink when we go to the movies. 


What is the correct way to write the title:

an article called dolphins and friends

"Dolphins and Friends"


Complete the sentence with the correct verb:

I ______________ to finish my homework before the movie started. 

a) have wanted

b) will have wanted

c) had wanted 

had wanted 


Which word in the sentence is a preposition?

Please place the paper on the shelf. 



Lisa is looking for information about what wolves eat. Which would be the best place for her to look?

a) a dictionary

b) an online research article written by a scientist who studied wolves

c) a collection of pictures of wolves

b) an online research article written by a scientist who studied wolves


Where does the comma go in the following sentence:

Jessica please put your bookbag away. 

Jessica, please put your bookbag away. 


What is the correct way to write the title:

a movie called beauty and the beast

Beauty and the Beast or underlined 


Complete the sentence with the correct verb:

Before you go to your friend's house, you ______________ your mom for permission.

a) will need to ask

b) will have needed to ask

c) had asked 

will need to ask

Fill in the blank with the best choice of conjunctions.

I do not like any of the things they are serving. I will eat ____________ the ham _______ the turkey. 

a) either, or

b) both, and 

c) neither, nor

c) neither nor 


Mr. George is writing a note to his pet sitter. Which information would he most likely want to include:

a) When he got the pet

b) How much he loves his pet

c) How much food to feed the pet.

d) Why pet sitting is an important job. 

c) How much food to feed the pet.


Where do the commas go in the following sentence:

Therefore I should be able to eat takis play games and run around during recess. 

Therefore, I should be able to eat takis, play games, and run around during recess. 


What is the correct way to write the title:

a song called bejeweled



If it _______________, I would have splashed in the puddles. 

a) will have rained

b) have rained

c) had rained 

had rained 


Which phrase fits best into the paragraph:

Going to the beach is a lot of fun. You can do many things in the sand and in the ocean. ______________, you can build sand castles or make sand sculptures. 

a) Meanwhile

b) For example

c) Although

d) Besides

For example


Which definition  of "ball" is being used in the following sentence:

Robert balled up his napkin and threw it on his plate. 

1. noun: a solid or hollow spherical or egg-shaped object that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game. 

2. noun: (in baseball) a pitch delivered outside the strike zone that the batter does not attempt to hit. 

3. verb: squeeze or form (something) into a rounded shape.

3. verb: squeeze or form (something) into a rounded shape. 


Where do the commas go in the following sentence:

Krista you wanted to paint a picture didn't you?

Krista, you wanted to paint a picture, didn't you?


What is the correct way to write the title:

A play called hamilton

Hamilton or underlined 


Complete the sentence with the correct verb tense:

Julie ____________ to many countries before she moved to Spain.

a) will have traveled

b) had traveled

c) has traveled 

had traveled 


Which phrase fits best into the paragraph:

It is a good idea to do your homework. Completing it will help you understand the material better. Studies show that practicing something helps you remember it. __________________ it helps you figure out what you may need to work on or things you should ask for help with. 

a) Furthermore

b) In contrast 

c) For example 



Which definition  of "clock" is being used in the following sentence:

When taking the test, you should look at the clock and pace yourself. 

1. noun: a mechanical or electrical device for measuring time, indicating hours, minutes, and sometimes seconds, typically by hands on a round dial or by displayed figures.

2. verb: attain or register (a specified time, distance, or speed). 

3. verb: hit (someone), especially on the head. 

1. noun: a mechanical or electrical device for measuring time, indicating hours, minutes, and sometimes seconds, typically by hands on a round dial or by displayed figures. 
