Figurative Language
Making Inferences
Context Clues

"This test is a piece of cake!" exclaimed Ashley.

What type of figurative language is being used?

A. Personification

B. Simile

C. Metaphor

D. Idiom 

D. Idiom


My best friend was having a party Friday night, but I also had a baseball game. This was going to be a tough decision. If I do not go to the game, I will let my team down. 

What is a possible theme?

A. Loyalty

B. Greed

C. Honesty

D. Courage

A. Loyalty


Emily and Molly both auditioned for a singing role in a musical. Emily landed a spot in the musical, but Molly did not.

You can infer that-

a. The directors thought Molly was a better singer than Emily. 

b. The directors thought Emily was a better singer than Molly. 

c. Neither Emily nor Molly had a chance to sing during the auditions.

b. The directors thought Emily was a better singer than Molly. 


The lawyer was known for being shrewd and clever when questioning witnesses.

Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the underlined word.

A. Wise

B. Uncaring

C. Harsh 

D. Unfriendly 

A. Wise


Ms. V heard the last piece of cake calling her name.

What type of figurative language is being used?

A. Personification

B. Metaphor

C. Idiom

D. Hyperbole

A. Personification


The three-year-old peered down from the diving board and looked back at his mother behind him. His knees began to buckle as he took another step forward. “Splash!” 

What is a possible theme?

A. Courage

B. Teamwork 

C. Greed

D. Honesty

A. Courage


The Canadian province of Quebec was originally settled by French fur traders. Eventually, cities grew to support the fur trade. As a result, other industries (such as logging) became the main source of income for residents. 

Based on this passage, you can infer that some residents of Quebec may speak which language? 

a. French 

b. Spanish 

c. English 

d. Jamaican 

a. French 


After miles of hiking, they finally arrived at a serene lake and were pleased to find that they had the peaceful setting all to themselves.

Use context clues to find out the meaning of the underlined word. 

A. Motionless

B. Beautiful 

C. Cold

D. Quiet

D. Quiet


Without my glasses, I'm as blind as a bat!

What type of figurative langauge is being used?

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Onomatopoeia

D. Hyperbole 

A. Simile


Ben knew his friend was about to receive a detention for not being prepared for class. This would have been the third day in a row he would have to miss recess. Ben gave the pencil to Tim. Later, Ben received a detenion. 

What is a possible theme?

A. Greed

B. Sacrifice

C. Don't judge a book by it's cover

D. Grief

B. Sacrifice


Carrots are an excellent source of retinol. Retinol is a pure form of vitamin A and is essential for good vision and strong teeth. It is often found in foods such as eggs, liver, and fish. For vegetarians, the best source of retinol is carrots. 

Based on this passage, what can you infer about the amount of retinol in eggs, liver, and fish? 

a. It is the same or greater than the amount in carrots.

b. It is less than the amount in carrots. 

c. Eggs, liver, and fish do not contain retinol. 

a. It is the same or greater than the amount in carrots.


Last summer the three friends decided to set off on a lark and bike across America.

Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the underlined word.

A.  A new book

B. A hike

C. An adventure

D. A poor decision

C. An adventure


I was dying of laughter! 

What type of figurative langauge is this?

A. Hyperbole

B. Methaphor

C. Symbolism 

D. Personification

A. Hyperbole


You can do it!” shouted her father, as he pushed Chloe and let go. She was going on her on, but suddenly fell. She cried, but said, “Again, daddy.” This time, she went farther falling into the ditch. A few moments later, she was riding down the street, smiling from ear to ear!

What is a possible theme?

A. Loss

B. Honesty is the best policy 

C. Never give up

D. Friendship

C. Never give up


Martin’s little brother looked at the new bike a bit apprehensively. “Are you sure I won’t get hurt?” he asked Martin. Martin replied, “Oh, you might fall once or twice, but you’ll be okay. Just wear your helmet.” Martin’s little brother looked up at him, “And you will hold onto it so it doesn’t fall over?” Martin nodded. 

From this excerpt, what can the reader infer? 

a. Martin’s little brother doesn’t trust him. 

b. Martin is learning to ride a bicycle. 

c. Martin’s little brother is learning to ride a bicycle.

c. Martin’s little brother is learning to ride a bicycle.


Brenna’s apathetic attitude toward sports was obvious when she announced that she couldn’t care less about watching any sporting event on TV.

Use context clues to figure out the meaning of the underlined word. 

A. uncaring

B. interested

C. exciting

D. cheerful

A. uncaring


The boys heard a thud on thier hike. They ran like ripples through water all the way home.

What types of figurative language are being used?

A. Metaphor and Personification

B. Simile and Idiom

C. Onomatopoeia and Simile

D. Hyberbole and Symbolism

C. Onomatopoeia and Simile


The girls were coloring when Mike wanted to join along. One girl moved the crayons closer to them. The other girl proceeded to take the other crayon boxes. Mike had no crayons to use. One girl remarked, “These crayons are ours. Find your own.”

What's a possible theme?

A. Friendship

B. Honesty 

C. Greed

D. Never give up 

C. Greed


Trudy looked down; the sound of everyone’s laughter burned in her ears. She felt her face grow warm and knew she was turning red. She wished she could just walk out of the classroom. 

Based on this description, what can the reader infer? 

a. Trudy is embarrassed. 

b. Trudy is new in school. 

c. Trudy is very angry. 

a. Trudy is embarrassed. 


Connor was often mirthful, but not today. Today he arrived to school in a very quiet and serious mood.

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word. 

A. wise

B. Shy 

C. Cheerful

C. Mean 

C. Cheerful
