Point of View
Vocabulary/Context Clues
ELA Words
Text Evidence & Inferences

How do you know if a story is told in 1st person point of view? (2 possible answers)

1. Words like I, me, us, etc.

2. The narrator's thoughts and feelings


What does ACE stand for?





What is an excerpt?

A sentence or a passage in a text.


What is theme?

Theme is the message or lesson in a story.


Which sentence best supports the inference that Rachael is upset at the beginning of the passage?

A. Rachael brought her knees to her chest, burying her tear-stained face in her arms.

B. Rachael was sitting on her front porch when her mom walked out the front door.

C. Rachael had been looking forward to this day for months.

D. Rachael had never gone this long without seeing her before.

A. Rachael brought her knees to her chest, burying her tear-stained face in her arms.


How do you know if a story is told in 3rd person point of view? (2 possible answers)

1. Words like they, she, he, etc.

2. Multiple characters' thoughts and feelings/less bias


What is one type of writing? (3 possible answers)





In the early 1600s, a dangerous trip across the Atlantic Ocean was a daunting idea. The Europeans, who would someday be known as the Pilgrims, must have been a very determined and brave group of settlers.

A daunting task is one that would _______ someone.

a. tickle

b. amuse

c. lose or misplace

d. frighten or intimidate

d. frighten or intimidate


What is an inference?

An inference is a logical guess based on what you know from your background knowledge and evidence.


Jackson screamed to Sophia, "Hurry, we have to be there in 10 minutes!" 

Sophia replied, "I'm coming!" 

Sophia scampered out of her room, holding her shoes in her hand and ran to the kitchen where her brother was waiting. She was breathing heavy from trying to rush. Jackson gave her a look and ordered, "I already got the ice chest and waters ready, all you need to do is get the chairs and table."

Sophia nodded and hustled to the garage. Within minutes they were both out the door carrying all their supplies in a wagon. There was a golf course within a few blocks of their house and they had the brilliant idea to sell the golfers water from the side of the course. 

"I really hope we do well today. Do you think mom will like the present we are going to get her?" Sophia asked. 

"Of course she will. It'll be the best birthday present ever!" Jackson declared. 

Sophia is most likely

A. Jackson's big sister.

B. Jackson's little sister.

C. Jackson's mom.

D. Jackson's friend. 

B. Jackson's little sister


What point of view is the below passage in?

The Scarecrow found a tree full of nuts and filled Dorothy’s basket with them, so that she would not be hungry for a long time. She thought this was very kind and thoughtful of the Scarecrow, but she laughed heartily at the awkward way in which the poor creature picked up the nuts. His padded hands were so clumsy that he dropped almost as many as he put in the basket. But the Scarecrow did not mind how long

it took him to fill the basket, for it enabled him to keep away from the fire, as he felt that a spark might get into his straw and burn him up. 

Third person


Does a narrative essay need evidence?


How the small creatures of the woods must quake and cower as I pass by.

What does the word cower most likely mean?

a. to worry about life

b. to shrink away in fear

c. to greet with kindness

d. to jump with excitement

b. to shrink away with fear


When comparing and contrasting, what is a useful graphic organizer to use?

Venn Diagram (OR if describe a Venn Diagram, that is acceptable)


Dalton didn’t mean for his voice to come out that way, but he sounded disappointed when he said, “Oh, thanks.”

The picture frame had seashells around the edges. They were the seashells that Stephanie had collected on her vacation in Florida. She had glued them on the frame. Inside was a photo of Dalton and Stephanie, from the school dance. Dalton knew it was the most thoughtful gift he had ever received. He just didn’t think it was a great picture of him.

 Stephanie was crushed. “Umm. You are welcome.” She slowly walked away feeling awkward. She had thought Dalton was her best friend. I thought he’d love an early birthday gift since I’d be out of town the whole summer, Stephanie dropped her head thinking to herself. Just then, she heard Dalton’s voice and her name.

Which two inferences can the reader best make based on the details in the story?

A. Stephanie has never brought Dalton presents.

B. Stephanie is new to her school and to Dalton.

C. Dalton cares about how he makes his friend feel.

D. Dalton and Stephanie are really close friends.

E. Dalton has hurt his friends’ feelings a lot.

C and D


What point of view is the below passage told in?

As I went about my day, I felt her going about hers. I sensed her movement, her presence in distant parts of the building. Walking the halls between classes, I didn't have to see her, I knew she was there: unseen in the mob heading my way, about to turn a corner five classroom doors down. I homed in on the beacon of her smile. As we approached each other, the noise and the students around us melted away and we were utterly alone, passing, smiling, holding each other's eyes, floors and walls gone, two people in a universe of space and stars.

First person


What type of prompt is this?

Tell a story about your first day of school.



Fortunately, the explosion diverted the asteroid from a course that would have sent it hurdling into our planet.

To divert is to _______.

a. change the direction of

b. look for really high waves

c. jump into a dry river

d. look through a telescope

a. change the direction of


What is the difference between compare and contrast?

Compare is to talk about what is similar, Contrast is to talk about what is different


Jackson screamed to Sophia, "Hurry, we have to be there in 10 minutes!" 

Sophia replied, "I'm coming!" 

Sophia scampered out of her room, holding her shoes in her hand and ran to the kitchen where her brother was waiting. She was breathing heavy from trying to rush. Jackson gave her a look and ordered, "I already got the ice chest and waters ready, all you need to do is get the chairs and table."

Sophia nodded and hustled to the garage. Within minutes they were both out the door carrying all their supplies in a wagon. There was a golf course within a few blocks of their house and they had the brilliant idea to sell the golfers water from the side of the course. 

"I really hope we do well today. Do you think mom will like the present we are going to get her?" Sophia asked. 

"Of course she will. It'll be the best birthday present ever!" Jackson declared. 

Which sentence from the text BEST supports that Sophia was tired?

She was breathing heavy from trying to rush.


What point of view is this paragraph written in?

Alice suddenly fell down the deep, unknown rabbit hole.  She shrieked as she fell down, and she couldn't stop screaming.  Her soft, blue dress got caught on a twig and she hit her head on a large, pokey branch. 

3rd person


What type of prompt is this?

Should uniforms be required in school? Write an essay using details to support your answer.



Your cousin claimed to be late because the doors of his house were frozen shut. Even though I have my doubts, his explanation is plausible. It got really cold last night. I'll just have to take his word for it.

If a statement is plausible, __________.

a. you must always believe it

b. you should never believe it

c. it's hard to understand because it makes no sense

d. it's believable enough to possibly be true

d. it's believable enough to possibly be true


What is a metaphor?

When you compare to unlike things without using words like "like" or "as"


The girls found the typewriter on the boardwalk. Sophie didn’t even know what the bulky, black machine that looked like a big keyboard was. Ramona explained what it was, a machine with which you type on a piece of paper. Because Anya decided that taking the machine to the lost and found would be the best idea, the girls followed her. Anya was the strongest, so she carried the typewriter, huffing and puffing. 

 The lost and found area was closed until the next morning. The girls decided to take the typewriter to their hotel and to bring it back in the morning. Anya was so excited that she almost dropped it. 

 Sophie and Ramona got some printing paper from the front desk. After dinner, the girls huddled around the typewriter. Anya figured out how to scroll the paper and put it in correctly. Then, each took turn typing up a story. They had so much fun that they forgot it was almost past their bedtime. Too tired, they left the typewriter in the lobby and went upstairs to their rooms where their families waited for them.   

 All the guests at the front desk and in the lobby heard Anya’s scream. She had just discovered that the typewriter was missing. The story the girls wrote was on the table. Ramona and Sophie soon joined their friend and nearly broke into tears. 

 “It wasn’t ours anyway,” Ramona said.

 “I wanted to take it to the lost and found,” Anya said, sobbing.

 Just then, an old man in the lobby called out to the girls. “Did you type up that story on my machine? Where did you find it? Come on over here.”

Select the two inferences you can best make based on the story.

A. Anya thinks and acts quickly.

B. Anya knows the old man.

C. The stranger is a famous writer.

D. The girls are close to each other.

E. The girls are cousins.

A and D.
