Cause and Effect
Figurative Language
Text Structures
Context Clues
Author's Purpose

Laura's mom made her a special treat because she made a good grade on her test.  Chocolate cake with vanilla icing made Laura smile with joy. Soon after the celebration, Laura got a stomach ache. What is the cause of Laura getting a stomach ache?

a) Laura received a new pet.

b) Laura ate too much cake.

c) Laura was upset because she wanted a slice of cake.

What is Laura ate too much cake?


The student is as busy as a bee. What figurative language is this?

a) metaphor

b) simile

c) personification

What is a simile?


To bake a loaf of bread, it is important to follow a series of steps. first, mis the yeast with warm water.  After it has been sitting, you can mix it into the flour then knead the bread until the dough is smooth. Next, place the bread somewhere warm. when doubled in size, you can put in the oven. Last, check the bread as it bakes to make sure it doesn't burn. What is the text structure?

a) chronological order

b) sequencing

c) description

What is sequencing?


What are Context Clues?

a) The lesson learned

b) Clues in a sentences to help determine what the word means.

c) What the story is mostly about

What are the clues in a sentence to help you determine what the word means?


Reading is the most important academic skill you can learn. Without reading, you would not be able to do any other academic subject. Even in math, you have to be able to read numbers in order to accurately calculate problems. Reading is also important in applying for jobs. In order to get a job, you must be able to read the application so that you can fill it out properly. These two reasons alone should show you the importance of reading. What is the author’s purpose?

a) entertain

b) inform

c) persuade

What is inform?


It was Jim's 5th birthday and his mother decided to throw him a surprise birthday party. Jim was having fun playing with the balloons that his Mom bought. Jim was horseplaying and sat on the red balloon. What is the effect of Jim sitting on the balloon?

a. The balloon popped.

b) Jim sat on the balloon again.

c) Jim cried.

What is the balloon popped?


Billy will cry if you pop his balloon. What figurative language is this?

a) personification

b) metaphor

c) onomatopoeia 

What is onomatopoeia?


People tend to be very loyal to their favorite brands of technology. Some people are devoted to Iphones, and some to Androids. These phones have things in common including the internet, apps, and pictures. There are also differences. Iphones have sleek designs and sync with Apple products. Androids, however, have more options to customize. What is the text structure?

a) cause/effect

b) description

c) compare/contrast

What is compare and contrast?


The beaver gnawed on the branch before dragging it into the pond. What does gnawed mean?

a) sat

b) chewed

c) pushed

What is chewed?


Salty. Buttery. Puffy. Crisp. I love to hear the popcorn crunch between my teeth as the salt granules melt on my tongue. The “pop, pop” and the hum of the microwave make the one minute and thirty seconds feel like an eternity. Steam pours out of the bag as I try not to burn my fingertips. It is hard to wait for the kernels to cool, when the smell drifts up my nose. What is the author’s purpose?

a). inform

b) entertain

c) persuade

What is to entertain?


Sally was walking down an icy sidewalk. What is the effect of Sally's actions?

a) Sally slipped and fell. 

b) Sally called her mom for a snack

c) Sally meet her friend at the park.

What is Sally slipped and fell?


The race car zoomed past the finish line. What figurative language is this?

a) personification

b) metaphor

c) onomatopoeia 

What is onomatopoeia?


Anne Frank was born in Germany in 1929. He3r family moved to the Netherlands in 1933. When she turned thirteen in 1943, she was given a diary for her birthday. At the same time, German Nazis were rounding up Jewish families like her own, and she and her family had to go into hiding. They stayed hidden for 2 years until they were caught. What is the text structure?

a) chronological order

b) cause/effect

C)  sequence

What is chronological orger?


The late students always had a plethora of excuses. What does plethora mean?

a) shortage

b) none

c) excessive number

What is an excessive number?


In order to travel to another country, you must first purchase a passport. A passport can take months to receive. After receiving your passport, you should then buy plane tickets to the country of your choice. Once you have tickets, you can pack your bags. Be sure to choose clothes that will match the weather of your destination. Finally, one the day of your travels, you should arrive at the airport at least two hours before your flight is scheduled to leave. This will allow you to check your bags, go through security, and arrive at your gate on time. What is the author’s purpose?

a) Persuade

b) Inform

c) Entertain 

What is to inform?


Mike was really hungry by lunchtime. What is the cause of the effect?

a) Mike loves to play video games.

b) Mike and his friend went swimming.

c) Mike skipped his morning breakfast.

What is Mile skipped his morning breakfast?


The wind whistled as the children were standing in line at the fair. What figurative language is this?

a) metaphor

b) onomatopoeia 

c) personification

What is personification?


Sloths are furry, tree-dwelling mamels that have many interesting characteristics. For example, their fur patterns make their eyes appear sad, but makes their face look like they are smiling. They are known for their sleep pattern and movements. They sleep 20 hours per day. When they are awake, they move slowly and conserve energy. but, they are harmless animals that eat plants. What is the text structure?

a) compare/contrast

b) description

c) chronological order

What is description?


When he didn't understand the instruction, the student asked the teacher to clarify them What does clarify mean?

a) remove

b) explain

c) call

What does explain mean?


Matthew Henson is most commonly known as the first African American to explore the Arctic. He and Robert Peary made several trips to the Arctic in hopes of discovering the North Pole. In 1909, Henson placed an American flag there, accomplishing his long awaited goal. What is the author’s purpose? 

a) Inform

b) Entertain

c) Persuade

What is to inform?


The homework was done incorrectly. What is the cause of Joey' action?

a) Joey didn’t read the directions for his homework 

b) Joey won his championship baseball game.

c) Joey was caught cheating on his test.

What is Joey didn’t read the directions for his homework?


Cindy is a fish when she swims. What figurative language is this?

a) metaphor

b) simile

c) onomatopoeia 

What is a metaphor?


Humans are cutting down red mangrove trees. As a result, the pygmy sloth has less food and fewer places to live. The pygmy sloth feeds on leaves and red mangrove leaves making it their home. Another consequences of cutting down red mangrove trees is that the pygmy sloths are now endangered. Over the last decade, their population has decreased by eighty percent. What is the text structure?

a) problem/solution

b) description

c) cause/effect

What is cause and effect?


The delightful aroma of food cooking in the kitchen made my mouth water. What does aroma mean?

a) smell

b) color

c) wealth

What is smell?


Last year, my family visited the zoo. Upon arriving, we headed straight to the penguin exhibit. When we got there, we saw a sign that read “Lost Penguin: If found, please call 202-633-4848.” A picture was displayed below the words. I knew what I had to do. As my family was walking toward the bears’ enclosure, I darted off to the café across the way. I snuck into the kitchen and looked for the refrigerator. No sign of the penguin there. I decided to look for a freezer, the kind that is large enough to store food for hundreds, even thousands, of people. When I found it, I was shocked by what I saw inside. I didn’t only find the missing penguin, but I also found several eggs that were almost ready to hatch. I sprinted back to my family; who was now observing the hippopotamuses. I told them everything, and together, we contacted the authorities at the zoo. A few days later, the zoo invited us back to watch the eggs hatch! What is the author’s purpose?

a) Persuade

b) Inform

c) Entertain

What is to entertain?
