What does sum mean?
What is addition?
Compare this pair of decimals using the symbols >, < or =
43.5 ____ 43.45
What is 43.5 > 43.45?
16.0 x 36
What is 576.0?
Estimate the product 422 x 73
What is about 28,000?
What place value does the 3 represent in 3.45?
What is ones?
What does product mean?
What is the answer?
Compare this pair of decimals using the symbols >, < or =
0.134 ____ .134
What is 0.134 = .134?
310 x 1.8
What is 558.0?
Estimate the quotient 342 x 53
What is about 15,000
What place value does 6 represent in 4.65
What is tenths?
What does less than mean?
What is used to compare two numbers when the first number is less than the second?
Compare this pair of decimals using the symbols >, < or =
12.78 ____ 12.79
What is 12.78 < 12.79?
12.8 x 3.8
What is 48.64?
Estimate the product 1523 x 33
What is about 60,000?
What place value does 4 represent in 43.31
What is tens?
What does equal to mean
What is used to compare two numbers when first number and the second number are the same or have the same value?
Compare this pair of decimals using the symbols >, < or =
40.24 ____ 40 + 0.24
What is 40.24 = 40 + 0.24?
32.3 x 26
What is 839.8?
Estimate the product 7.45 x 63
What is about 420?
What place value does 7 represent in 12.57?
What is hundredths?
What is standard algorithm?
What is a step-by-step way to solve a problem?
Compare this pair of decimals using the symbols >, < or =
25.6 ____ 25.9
What is 25.6 < 25.9
59.8 x 27
What is 1884.6?
Estimate the product 5.32 x 15
What is about 100
What place value does 9 represent in 145.239?
What is thousandths?