Inquiry & Process Skills
Cells & Ecosystems
Landforms & Oceans
Forces and Motion
Mixtures and Solutions
This is the process skill that you use when you group things based on their properties.
What is classifying?
This is the part of the animal cell that allows things to come in and out.
What is the cell membrane?
This is the difference between weathering, erosion, and deposition.
What is weathering is the breaking of rocks into smaller pieces; erosion is the movement of rocks and soil from one place to another by wind or water; and deposition is the dropping off of soil and rocks in new places to create landforms.
The meaning for gravity, friction, and magnetism.
What is gravity - the force that pulls objects toward the core of the Earth friction - the force of resistance between two surfaces that rub together magnetism - the force that pulls and pushes between a magnet
This is the reason why a solution is a special mixture.
What is because a solution can't be separated with a screen or a filter. You must use evaporation to separate the parts of a solution.
This is the number of variables you change in an experiment.
What is one?
This is the difference between a population and a community in an ecosystem.
What is a population is only one type of organism and a community is many types of organisms living together in an ecosystem?
This causes the Earth's tides.
What is the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon.
The two things that affect how much friction is between two surfaces.
What is pressure and texture?
The difference between the solute and solvent of a solution.
What is the solute is what there is less of in a solution and the solvent is what there is more of in a solution?
This is the independent/manipulated variable of the following question: On which surface (carpet, cement, or tile floor) will a marble roll the longest distance?
What is the type of surface?
This is the difference between biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem.
What is biotic is living things and abiotic is nonliving things in an ecosystem.
This is the difference between surface currents and deep ocean currents.
What is surface currents are caused by wind and the rotation of the Earth while deep ocean currents are caused by changes in temperature and salinity?
The name given to any substance you place between two surfaces to reduce friction.
What is a lubricant?
Three examples of a chemical change.
What is baking a cake, rust on a car, and burning a candle?
This is the dependent/responding variable of the following question: On which surface (carpet, cement, or tile floor) will a marble roll the longest distance?
What is the distance the marble rolls?
This is the difference between coniferous, deciduous, and tropical rain forests.
What is the type of trees in each forest? coniferous trees keep their needles all year deciduous trees shed their leaves in the fall tropical rain forests stay green all year because of the warm, wet climate
The oceanic landforms that are the same as the following continental landforms: 1. valley 2. canyon 3. mountain range 4. plains 5. volcano
What is 1. rift zone 2. trench 3. ridge or mid-ocean ridge 4. abyssal plains 5. seamount
The meaning of the 3 laws of motion.
What is 1st - An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. 2nd - Objects with more mass will need a bigger force to get them moving than objects with less mass. 3rd - For every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction.
These are 4 things you can do to increase the rate at which something dissolves in a liquid.
What are shaking, stirring, crushing the solid into tiny pieces, and heating the liquid?
This is the reason why it is so important to control any experiment.
What is to have a fair, valid test?
This is anything such as a lack of food, too much competition, lack of space, or too much of a temperature change that keeps a population of organisms from growing too large.
What is a limiting factor?
The meaning and function for the following parts of the ocean shore zone: 1. estuary 2. inlet 3. barrier island 4. longshore current 5. sand dune
What is 1. the place where a freshwater river mixes with ocean water 2. the space between barrier islands 3. a long sandbar that protects the mainland from storms such as hurricanes 4. the surface current that runs, normally, from north to south in SC off the coast 5. piles of sand created by deposition that protect the beach from waves
The reason why you need to wear seat belt in a car when it stops suddenly.
What is to overcome your inertia?
These are the six ways (with examples) to separate a mixture.
What is 1. sifting- separate 2 solids (sand and gravel) 2. filtration - separate a solid and a liquid (powder and water) 3. evaporation - separate a solution (saltwater) 4. magnetism - using a magnet to separate magnetic objects (construction site) 5. chromatography - separate different solutes with a solvent (separating ink using filter paper) 6. floatation - separate different densities (water treatment plant)