Behavior that is on purpose, repeated over time and
involves an imbalance of power
What is Bullying
What are the roles of a School Counselor?
Mindfulness teaches you how to be aware of your feelings... True or False
What is True
This CONTINENT is the most linguistically diverse in the world?
What is Africa?
** Africa! The continent is home to anywhere from 800 to 1,500 of the world’s languages.
This form of bullying can be defined as words that hurt your feelings
What is verbal bullying
Ms. Jones has a magic wand that will solve all your problems.. True or False
What is False
Mindfulness teaches us to be Grateful and ______
What is Kind
You can be _________ even if you don’t agree with a person’s viewpoint or belief.
What is inclusive?
intentional, repeated harmful behavior using
What is Cyberbullying
Small group during lunch
What is Dine with Direction?
Not just thinking about yourself, but the needs and wants of others.
What is Compassion?
a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
What are stereotypes
words/actions that hurt your friendships, using a
friendship or threatening to take friendship away
What is social bullying? Also referred to as relational bullying.
When your school counselor works collectively with your teacher, parents/guardians, or community members to support you
What is collaboration?
Having peace in your Mind, Body and _____
What is Balance?
The first alarm clock was made by a black mathematician? True or False
What is True?
*Benjamin Banneker
Actions that hurt your body
What is physical bullying?
If someone is hurting me, or threatening me, Ms. Jones has to keep it a secret.
What is false?
The who? what? where?
What is Attention?
Give 3 examples of diversity
Answers my vary..
race/gender/accessibility (physical/non physical) /social economic status/ religion ...etc