Parts of a Story
What's the Difference?
"Holding Hands" Poem
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This is the time and the place where a story happens.
What is setting?

Explain the difference between 1st person and 3rd person point of view.

1st person - I, me (narrator is a character)

3rd person - He, she, they (narrator is not a character)

Read the poem "Holding Hands" and answer the following: What point of view is the poem told in?
1st person point of view
Read the following sentence and find the relationship between the words: The scary dog was frightening when it barked.
What are synonyms?
What is the theme of this story? Long ago, when George Washington was just a boy, his father gave him a hatchet. George loved the gift and wanted to try it out right away. He went into the yard and looked around for some way to test his new hatchet.In the yard was a little cherry tree. This was a special tree that George's father had planted, and he was very proud of it. Without thinking, George sank the blade of his hatchet into the little tree's trunk. He chopped the cherry tree down.When he saw that his cherry tree had been destroyed, George's father was upset. Young George was sorry, too, and realized the harm he had done. However, he did not try to hide his actions. He simply told his father the plain truth. "I cannot tell a lie, Father," said George. "I did it."George's father was unhappy about his little cherry tree. Still, he was quite pleased with his son for telling the truth. He knew that sometimes telling a lie is easier than being truthful, and he was proud that George was an honest boy. He hoped that George would also become an honest man.
Honesty - it may be hard to tell the truth, but it is right.
This is another word for the qualities of a character.
What are traits?

Name something that what would be different in a historical setting versus a futuristic setting.

Answer should explain that a historical setting includes details that place the setting in the past, such as outdated technology, cheaper prices, different styles, etc. The futuristic setting includes supposed details about the future, such as advanced technology, changes to the world (more pollution, higher population), etc.

Read the poem "Holding Hands" and answer the following: How would the poem change if the setting were changed to a crowded bus?
Answer should demonstrate understanding that the characters were walking and holding hands - on a bus they would not likely be holding hands. Also, it would be hard to hear the grandfather if they were on a crowded bus so he probably wouldn't be talking in a soft voice or possibly sharing the stories at all. All reasonable answers are accepted.
Name the point of view: A Child was standing on a street-corner. He leaned with one shoulder against a high board-fence and swayed the other to and fro, the while kicking carelessly at the gravel. Sunshine beat upon the cobbles, and a lazy summer wind raised yellow dust which trailed in clouds down the avenue. Clattering trucks moved with indistinctness through it. The child stood dreamily gazing.
3rd person objective

Read the following sentence and find the relationship between the words: The cool drink felt refreshing on such a steamy day.

What are antonyms?

This is what you make when you guess what will happen later in a story based on evidence from the text.
What is a prediction?

What are 2 meanings of the word BLUE?

sad mood & color

Read the poem "Holding Hands" and answer the following: Which word suggests the mood of the poem?

Read the following sentence and find the relationship between the 2 words: I won't spend one cent of that bottle of perfume until I know the scent.

What are homophones?

Determine the point of view. Goldilocks was a proud and defiant little girl who'd been told many times by her mother to stay out of the woods, but she paid little attention to others, especially her elders, giving lots of attention instead to herself and her own desires. One day, just to show that she could, she wandered deep into the center of the forest, farther from home than ever before. In a clearing she noticed a small cottage, smoke issuing from the chimney. She thought it was quite an ugly little cottage, but she also thought it might be a place where she could get a little something to eat and drink.
3rd person limited
What is the feeling you get while reading a story called?
What is mood?

Explain the difference between the theme and main idea.

main idea: what the passage is mostly about

theme: the lesson to be learned

Read the poem "Holding Hands" and answer the following: Name a character trait of the grandfather and support your answer with a quote from the text.
Accept reasonable answers with support.

What is the theme of the following story? Waldo McWillerbee wanted to be a magician. With a funny name like Waldo McWillerbee, what else could he be besides a magician? A banker? Certainly not a banker! With a name like Waldo McWillerbee, he was meant to entertain the world, and he was determined to do just that with his wondrous, wonderful magic.For his first trick, he would make his mother's prized antique vase float in the air. The vase was simply beautiful! It was over a hundred years old, and it had tiny blue and gold flowers painted allover it. He covered the vase in his magical handkerchief. He took the vase in his hands—one hand holding the top, and the other hand supporting the bottom. He chanted, "Scmoozy, Foozy, Kitten Hairy! Make this vase float in the air-y!" He released the vase. BAM! Tiny glass pieces with blue and gold flowers showered the floor.Then Waldo McWillerbee knew he must perform a magician's most important trick of all: make himself disappear! Off Waldo McWillerbee ran to hide under the bed!

Possible answers could relate to overconfidence, need of practice, thinking before acting, etc.

Read the following sentence and find the relationship between the words: The bear could not bare to eat another fish.
What are homophones?
The overall lesson or message of a story.
What is theme?

What are 2 meanings of the word SQUASH?

smash & vegetable

Read the poem "Holding Hands" and answer the following: Predict what the granddaughter might do if her grandfather asked if she would like to help him work on the farm, and support your answer with a detail from the text.
She would likely help. She loves and cares about him, and seems interested in the work he has done. Assure proper supporting detail.
What is the mood of the following passage, and name three words that help achieve this mood: To his astonishment, Charlie found himself standing next to his bicycle, back where he had entered the swamp. That was bizarre and upsetting - but not as bad as the realization that he was still holding the skull. He thought he had dropped it before he raced out the door. He certainly hadn't intended to steal the thing . He didn't even really want it!
What is mysterious/scary (or similar answer). Astonishment, swamp, bizarre, upsetting, bad, skull, steal, or other reasonable words.
Give the theme of the following fable: A dog, crossing a bridge over a stream with a piece of flesh in his mouth, saw his own shadow in the water and took it for that of another dog, with a piece of meat double his own in size. He immediately let go of his own, and fiercely attacked the other dog to get his larger piece from him. He thus lost both: that which he grasped at in the water, because it was a shadow; and his own, because the stream swept it away.
Answer should relate to jealousy and appreciating what you have already.