Rules & Consequences
Is it okay?
Locations (pt. 2) OR Random

What do you need to do if you need to sharpen your pencil?

Raise your hand and ask OR give the signal for sharpening your pencil and wait for the go ahead. 


Where are the pencil sharpeners for students located? And how many are there?

The back counter. 2. 

What is one example of being respectful?

Answers vary. 


Is it okay for you to talk while another adult or one of your peers is talking? 

NO! In our classroom, we respect others while they are talking and we make sure we are LISTENING. 


How do we line up to switch classrooms or to go to another place?

Students will line up by their NUMBER order. 1 goes first, 2-second, and so on. 


Where can you find missing assignments?

You can find missing assignments in the hanging file organizer attached to the door between mine and Ms. Bonds' room. 


What is an example of being kind? 

Answers vary. 


Is it okay for you to get out of your seat whenever you want? 

No! Do I really need to explain further...?


What is Mrs. Alderman's favorite holiday? 



What are our expectations for bookbags & lockers? 

Bookbags should go into your locker for the day, unless you plan on keeping up with it. You must have everything you need for the day by the time we begin instruction at 7:15. You will not be allowed back in your lockers until the end of the day. 


Where do you turn in homework assignments?

Turn it in bins are found above the mailbox and are labeled with your block number. 


What are the rules for dismissal?

Answers vary. 

1. Students with jobs are completing their jobs. 

2. Students without jobs are sitting quietly and packing up. 


Is it okay for your grownup to sign the documents in black ink?

Yes! All documents should be signed in BLUE or BLACK ink. Nothing else. Please make sure all documents are COMPLETELY filled out. 


Where can you sit during group work? 

Where you would like! My only rule is as follows: you can not argue about where you are sitting. 


What do you do if you need help and Mrs. Alderman is already working with someone?

Take a clothes pin off of the waiting room sign (at my desk) and wait for your number to be called. Continue to work on what you are doing until you are called. DO NOT DISTRACT OTHERS OR BECOME A PROBLEM.

Where will all important papers/information be given to you? Where is it located?

Your mailbox. Located by the door. 


What is the major rule for every drill that we practice/take part in? 



Is it okay for you to ask for help or tell me that you don't understand something?

Of course! I want you to let me know when you don't understand something. 


What is the name of Mrs. Alderman's dog?



What do you need to do when going to the restroom? (Multi-step answer)

1. Ask to use the restroom or signal to go. 

2. Sign out on the clipboard at the door. 

3. Move your magnet so that I know where you are. 

4. Sign back in when you return. 


Where will you find what your homework assignment is for the day? What should you do with this information?

On the whiteboard above Mrs. Alderman's desk. Write it down in your planner (when you get one!). 


What is a consequence if you do not follow the rules?

Answers vary. Recess taken away, phone call home, office visit, etc. 


Mrs. Alderman will provide a newsletter for you each week, listing your homework and skills we will be learning. Is it okay for you to throw this away? Where should you put it? 

No! This needs to go home with you! Put it in your purple folder. It is as much for your grownup as it is for you. 

Where can you go if you do not have a supply that you need?

Our class door! There is a organization system with any supplies you may need. Take what you need and put it back at the end of class. This is ordered by your number. Only take from your number. 
