Multiple Choice
Changes in Motion

Brian and Emily are testing different paper airplane designs to see which will allow a plane to go the farthest. Emily folds her plane and attaches a paperclip to the front of it. After she throws the plane, it travels about fifty feet and then starts to fall to the ground.

Why does the plane eventually fall to the ground? 

A.       The force of air resistance stops acting on the plane. 

B.       The plane was not designed to carry a load like the paperclip. 

C.       The force of gravity is greater than the forces keeping the plane in the air.

D.       The paperclip creates a magnetic force that attracts the plane to the ground. 

C.       The force of gravity is greater than the forces keeping the plane in the air.


Which force pulls you down a playground slide?



Magnets have a negative and positive pole. What happens if you try to touch the positive ends of two magnets together?

The positive poles will repel each other.


Alix is playing with a soccer ball at the top of a hill. Alix kicks the ball and it rolls down the hill. What happens as the ball rolls?

The force of gravity pulls the ball downhill.


Joshua and Shanice were moving a bookshelf across the carpet in their classroom. Even though they pushed as hard as they could, the bookshelf would only move a few inches at a time. What force prevented them from moving the bookshelf?

The force of friction opposed the motion of the bookshelf.


Aaron is playing with a soccer ball at the top of a hill. Aaron kicks the ball and it rolls down the hill. Which of the following best describes what happens as the ball rolls? 

A.       The force of gravity pulls the ball downhill.

B.       The force of friction causes the ball to roll faster down the hill. 

C.       The force of gravity is balanced by air resistance acting on the ball. 

D.       The force of friction is greater than the force of gravity acting on the ball. 

A.       The force of gravity pulls the ball downhill.


The force that works against movement.



Explain why a parachute makes a person falling from a great height fall more slowly?

The parachute causes air resistance, which slows the fall.


Sandley started pushing a bookcase across the room. Then, he removed the books and continued pushing with the same force and direction. How does removing the books affect the motion of the bookcase?

The mass is decreased, making the bookcase move faster.


A rolling ball will slow down until it finally stops. What force slows down and stops the ball?



Because the force of gravity is so strong, it appears to attract all objects equally, regardless of mass. Which of the following is illustrated by this idea?  

A.       Earth orbits the Sun in the same amount of time it takes the Moon to orbit Earth. 

B.       A rubber ball will bounce much higher than a wooden ball, even if they weigh the same. 

C.       Magnets can both repel and attract each other, depending on how they come into contact.

D.       A bowling ball and a peanut will fall to the ground at the same rate when someone drops them.

D.       A bowling ball and a peanut will fall to the ground at the same rate when someone drops them.


The type of force which results in movement?

An unbalanced force.


Explain why a person standing on the Moon can jump higher than a person standing on Earth.

The Moon's gravitational pull is less than Earth's.


Charlene kicked the winning goal in her last soccer game. What force acted between Charlene's foot and the ball to cause the ball to move?



Some students apply force to a toy car on a ramp to push it down. The students measure how fast the car rolls down the ramp. If students want to increase the speed of the car down the ramp, what should they do?

Increase the force applied to the car.


While Carmen is at the park with her family, she walks up to a wishing well. She throws a penny down the well, and she hears a splash at the bottom. Which of the following best describes what happens as the penny falls? 

A.       The force of gravity is equal to the air resistance acting on the penny. 

B.       The magnetic force of the well attracts the penny and causes it to fall even faster. 

C.       The force of friction acts against air resistance, causing the penny to fall even faster. 

D.       The force of air resistance acts against gravity, but it is not enough to overcome gravity.

D.       The force of air resistance acts against gravity, but it is not enough to overcome gravity.


Ms. Starling's class and Ms. Howard's class are playing tug-of-war. After several minutes, the students notice that the rope has not moved at all. What is one possible cause of this?

The two classes have created a balanced force on the rope.


A toy car rolling along different surfaces will experience different amounts of friction. A toy car would encounter the most friction when rolling on which surface?

A rough surface (for example: a sandy beach, over grass, over rocks)


Rodrigo and Marcus are moving a dresser. They are arguing about which direction to move it. Rodrigo is pushing the dresser with a force of 5 newtons towards Marcus. Marcus is pushing the dresser towards Rodrigo with a force of 10 newtons. What happens to the dresser?

The dresser moves towards Rodrigo.


While on a camping trip, Nadely and Abigail are traveling in a boat on a river. On their trip, the river's current carries them down the river at a speed of 5 meters per second (m/s). They don't need to row because the current is carrying them in the direction they need to go. If no other forces are acting on the boat, describe the motion of the boat as it travels downstream?

It stays the same.


Which of the following explains why a parachute makes a person falling from a great height fall more slowly? 

A.       The parachute reduces the friction in the air. 

B.       The parachute pulls upward, so the fall is slower. 

C.       The parachute causes air resistance, which slows the fall.  

The parachute decreases the pull of gravity on the person wearing it

C.       The parachute causes air resistance, which slows the fall.


What two forces are acting together to keep a cup balanced on a table?

Gravity and the force of the table holding the cup up.


A car and a truck travel at the same speed on a road in the same direction. Both vehicles slow down with the same stopping force. Why does the truck need more distance the car to stop?

The truck has more mass.


Which type of force moves an object toward the source of the force?



Xiomara roller skates to the top of a hill and then starts rolling downward. What are the MAIN forces affecting Xiomara’s motion as she rolls down the hill?

friction and gravity.
