This "C" word means to to criticize a person or action as wrong, guilty, or evil;
This word means to end or to formally put an end to something or to get rid of forever
What year was the California Gold Rush?
Two Sides of the Civil War
Union and Confederacy
Uncle Tom's Cabin or Frederick Douglass' Autobiography
Identical means...
exactly the same
What was the reason Papa put an ad in the newspaper? (Sarah Plain and Tall)
For a new wife and mother for his children, his wife died
Name 3 Abolitionists
Frederick Douglass
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Lead General of the Confederate Army
Robert E. Lee
This "f" word from unit 8 mean an amazing acomplishment or deed showing daring and skill
This word means very cruel and violent acts
Native American Tribe who was forced to walk the Trail of Tears
The Cherokee
Document that ended slavery in the South during the Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation
Walt Whitman wrote this poem after Lincoln was assassinated
O Captain, My Captain
What does vicinity mean?
the area near a place, the surrounding region
What is high ground mean when it comes to military strategy?
Taking the higher or elevated ground to have an advantage in battle
Lewis and Clark
Bloodiest Battle in American History
Battle of Gettysburg
What year did the Civil War begin? When did it end?
This word from Unit 10 means to ask for or request
What is a pragmatist?
someone who does things in a practical way, logical way or does what makes sense
This Colonel led the 54th Massuchusetts (all black unit) in the Battle of Fort Wagoner (Glory Movie)
Colonel Robert Gould Shaw
Abraham Lincoln was the ______th President of the United States