Central Idea
Text Structure
Literary Elements

The point that the author wants you to remember is called...

What is central idea?

The text structure is...

What is author's way of organizing their writing to help readers better understand the text?


The literary elements is...

What are pieces that make up a story. 


Read sentence 10 from Kyle’s paper.

I watched a lizard catch a ant with its tongue.

What is the best way to write the underlined part of the sentence?

A an

B any

C some

D No change is needed.

A an

The central idea is also known as...

What is main idea?


The purpose of comparison and contrast is...

What is describing how things are alike and different?


What people and animals in a story is...

What are characters?


Nobody ever got an exact answer from Rodia about why he built the towers. Usually, he just said, “I wanted to do something big.”

Now read the dictionary entry.

exact (ig-'zakt) adjective 

1. neither more nor less: an exact sum 

2. completely clear: an exact reason 

3. strictly faithful to the rules: an exact punishment 

4. correct in every detail: an exact copy

Which definition best matches the way exact is used above?

A definition 1

B definition 2

C definition 3

D definition 4

B definition 2


Twenty-one-year-old Samuel Clemens decided to change his life. He would leave his dull job as a printer, head to New Orleans, and sail to South America. There he hoped to have great adventures and become a rich businessman. He wanted to become a riverboat pilot. 

What is a central idea of the biography?

Samuel Clemens cared deeply about his career as a riverboat pilot.


The purpose of cause and effect is...

What is explaining what happened and why it happened?


The things that happen in a story is...

What are events?


Read the sentences from paragraph 2.

When Clemens boarded the steamboat in 1857 to New Orleans, his dreams of South America began to fade as light does when the sun sets. Each day on the water, a childhood dream— to pilot a Mississippi steamer—grew stronger.

Why does the author use the simile “as light does when the sun sets” to talk about Clemens’s dreams of South America?

to show that Clemens’s dreams slowly went away


When Rodia was done, he had created 17 sculptures that he called “Nuestro Pueblo” (Spanish for “Our Town”). They included the towers, a fishpond, walls, a fountain, and a gazebo where he invited couples to get married. Rodia always signed his work. His initials, R S, can be found in many locations on his 17 sculptures.

Which idea is supported by the details in this paragraph?

A Rodia was a simple worker.

B Rodia’s work was popular when he built it.

C Rodia used everyday objects to build sculptures.

D Rodia’s sculptures were a part of the community.

D Rodia’s sculptures were a part of the community


The purpose of problem and solution is...

What is showing a problem and how it is solved?


The main problem that characters face is called...

What is conflict?


A pilot had to know these dangers well in order to conduct his vessel safely on the river.

Think about the suffix -duct. What is the meaning of conduct above?


Dolphins are mammals that live in the ocean. Mammals are different than fi sh, reptiles or birds. As a mammal, dolphins breathe oxygen, even though they live in water. Because they are mammals, a dolphin mother gives birth to a live baby, unlike reptiles and birds who lay eggs. A dolphin mother also feeds her baby milk like other mammals. 

Name one detail that supports the main idea.

What is.... Because they are mammals, a dolphin mother gives birth to a live baby, unlike reptiles and birds who lay eggs.


The purpose of sequencing...

What is explaining events in order?

How the conflict or problem is solved is called...

What is resolution?


Rodia always signed his work. His initials, R S, can be found in many locations on his 17 sculptures.

Think about the suffix -ion. What is the meaning of locations above?

certain areas
