what operation is done first in order of operations
what is parenthesis or groupings
-8 x 7
what is -56
what do you only do when dividing fractions in order to turn them into a multiplication problem
what is keep, change, flip or KCF
put in descending order
0.3% 22.5 1/3 52%
what is
22.5 52% 1/3 0.3%
82 =
what is 64
what is the S in PEMDAS
what is subtraction
identify all integers
4/5 .2 -6 12/2 8%
what is
-6 and 12/2
when dividing fractions and a whole number what do you have to do first
what is turn the whole number into a fraction by making 1 the denominator
Put in ascending order
6/12 .25 78% .06%
what is
.06% .25 6/12 78%
expanded form for 63 =
what is 6 x 6 x 6
name what should be done in order
what is the parentheses, then the multiplication, then the subtraction
-15 + 23
what is 8
1/2 divided by 3/4
Put in ascending order
12/36 0.3% 1% 28.5
what is
0.3% 1% 12/36 28.5
34 =
what is 54
solve [(8x7)-49]x11
what is 77
what is -16 divided by -2
what is 8
what is the procedure for dividing unlike fractions
what is Keep, Change, Flip
Identify all that are equivalent
1) 23 = 0.23
2) 3/8 = 0.375
3) 0.3 = 3/10
4) 3/4 = 900/1200
what is 2, 3, and 4
53 =
what is 125
solve {[8+2]x5}+ (-2)
what is 48
what is 12 - (-4)
what is 16
2 3/4 divided by 1 1/5
what is 2 7/24
Put in descending order
35% 0.67% 8/10 4.5
what is
4.5 8/10 35% 0.67%
expanded form for 24=
What is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2