Daily Routines
Safety Drills
Discipline/ Bully Concerns

What is the first thing you do when you walk into the classroom? 

Read the board 


When will you have homework? 

You will have homework if you did not finish your work in the classroom. 


What should do you do after you eat snack?

Wash your hands with soap and warm water. 


Where do we go for a fire drill? 

We go to field by the road, and the back end of the baseball field. 


What is your first warning if you are not doing what is expected? 

A verbal warning from Mrs. Prestien or the adult in charge


What are two things you need to do before you sit down for the day? 

Use the restroom and fill up your water bottle. 


If you are sick or miss school, how many days do you have to complete it and receive full credit? 

2 days of your returning date

What are the three things Mrs. Prestien looks for when walking in the hallways? 

1. Voices are off

2. Hands and feet to yourself 

3. You are in a line


When is a time we would need to evacuate the building? 

1. Fire 

2. Chemical spill 

3. Gas spill 


What happens after the verbal warning, and expectations are still not being met? 

An email will be spent home to parents that day


What are the two things you do during Morning Announcements? 

1. Listen quietly 

2. Pledge of Allegiance 


How many test corrections and redo's does a student get per trimester? 

Endless test corrections and 3 redo's per trimester


How many pieces of trash does a student need in order to go get their backpacks? 


What should you do if you are in the restroom and an alarm goes off? 

Run back to your classroom, or the nearest classroom door that is open


If Mrs. Prestien is not around, and there are concerns will a bully, who can you go to? Please name two people

A trusted adult; Mrs. Rowe, Mr. Overboe, Mr. Novotny, or a trusted teacher 


What are three of Mrs. Prestien's non-negotiables? 

  • Always be respectful to each other 

  • No yelling in my room or in the school 

  • Clean up after yourself 

  • Be honest (even when you made a mistake) 

  • Trust each other (will develop over time) 

  • Manners will be used in this classroom and outside (Thank you, Please, You’re Welcome, May I…, Yes ma’am, No Ma’am) 

  • Things will not be thrown 

  • Heidgen is mandatory here!


What are the final percentages of your grades between homework and tests? 

30% Homework 

70% Tests 


You are allowed to answer the intercom or phone only when...

Mrs. Prestien or Mrs. Rowe are out of the classroom for a situation or if it is a life emergency. 


What is the difference between a hold and a secure? 

Hold - can leave the classroom, hallways must be clear. 

Secure - we can move around the school, just can not go outside.


What is the definition of bullying? 

Where someone is repeatedly being mean or hurtful to another person for multiple days


Name two facts about Mrs. Prestien she talked about on Friday. 

  • 29 years old 

  • Married for 4 years together for 14 years 

  • Two golden retrievers Honey and Sonny 

  • Favorite colors: coral blue, forest green and yellow 

  • Favorite animal is an elephant 

  • Favorite subjects are writing and social studies

  • I LOVE reading 

What do you need to do if you want to do a test correction or redo on one of your tests? 

You need write your name on a sticky and which option you are doing and for which test. Then put the sticky note on Mrs. Prestien's desk. 


What happens if your are caught with your phone in the classroom and not in the parking lot? 

Mrs. Prestien will put your phone in jail, then you will need to bring your parents to her after school and explain why she has your phone. 


What are you in charge off during a lockdown? What is Mrs. Prestien in charge off? 

Students - pushing in your chair and walking to the windows. 

Mrs. Prestien - Closing the door, turning off the lights, and pulling the blinds.


What are some consequences you may receive if poor choices are made? 

1. Cleaning up the cafeteria after lunch 

2. Picking trash up around the school

3. Cleaning the whole classroom (by yourself) 
