As people settled in fertile river valleys and began to farm, populations grew.
Farming Methods
The ball is red.
Linking Verb
The Linking Verb Is: Is
What two civilizations settled in Mesoamerica?
Maya and Aztecs
Cooks peeled the potatoes.
Answer: Complete Subject
The Complete Subject is: Cooks
Speeding is illegal
Illegal means that speeding is...
Not legal
Groups of people fulfilled different roles and jobs in the society and had differing social status.
Social Classes
Greg is kicking the ball now.
Action Verb
The Action Verb is: Kicking
Which civilization was located in the Andes Mountains?
The mayor approached the crowd.
(Hint there is 2)
Answer: Complete Subject
The Complete Subject is The Mayor.
My brother is very irresponsible.
My brother is...
Not responsible
What beliefs and ceremonies reflected a complex relationship between nature, humans, and gods?
The child will be tall 5 years from night.
Linking Verb
The Linking Verb Is: Will Be
Which two civilizations played a similar ball game?
Maya and Aztecs
A bad business deal caused friction between the two brothers.
(Hint there are 6)
Answer: Predicate
The predicates are.. caused friction between the two brothers
I'm flying to France, I need an International flight.
An International flight flys where?
Between countries
What developed to oversee the needs and business of the society?
He accepted my apology.
Action Verb
The Action Verb Is: Accepted
What is the name of the capital that was considered the “navel of the world”?
The poet writes about interesting sights and sounds.
Answer: Predicate
Answer: Writes
We drove through Indiana on the Interstate
The Interstate is...
A road between states.
Often lasting for long periods of time, art and structures conveyed the beliefs and values of a society.
Art + Architecture
The dog became thin after his surgery.
Linking Verb
The Linking Verb is: Became
“The Five Suns” is the name of what?
A myth/ Aztec Myth
The director creates suspense with haunting music.
(Hint there is 2!)
Answer: Complete Subject
The Complete Subject Is: The Director!
Illegible handwriting can't be easily read.
Illegible handwriting is...
Not legible