Give me 2 examples of places where you use a whisper voice?
Examples of correct answers: The library, in class when your teacher is talking, during a test.
Fix: "I goed to the store."
I went to the store.
Use the irregular past tense word for 'eat' in a sentence.
Example: I ate waffles for breakfast this morning.
What volume should you use in class if you have a question to ask your teacher during a test?
Now, let's pretend I’m your teacher. Whisper and ask me for help with a test question.
Imagine you're outside at recess, and you need to use a loud voice so your friend can hear you. Tell me what happened using the past tense of ‘run.’ You can say, ‘Yesterday at recess, I ___ to the swings!’ Now, you try it in a strong voice!
Past tense of run: Ran
Appropriate volume: Loud
What should you do if someone says you are speaking too quietly?
Repeat what you say and speak at a louder volume!
Fix: "He throwed the ball."
He threw the ball!
Use the irregular past tense verb for the word 'teach' in a sentence.
Example: She taught the class algebra.
You’re talking to your parent in the living room. You need to tell them you finished your homework. What volume should you use to talk to them?
Just right!
Let's practice saying "I just finished my homework" just like you would if you were telling your parents in the living room at home.
He ___ (singed or sang) a song loudly!
What is the past tense?
Act it out!
Irregular past tense: Sang!
When you're in the classroom and need to talk to a friend, what voice should you use? What about when you're playing outside with your friends?
Classroom: Inside voice or right in the middle
Outside: Outside voice or loudly
Fix: "They buyed a new toy."
They bought a new toy!
Make up a sentence using the irregular past tense version of 'think'.
Example: I thought before I answered this question.
You’re talking to a friend on the phone. What volume should you use so they can hear you, but not too loudly?
Just right!
Let's act it out.
"I ___ (find or found) a puppy!"
Practice saying this sentence in three different volumes.
IPT: Found
Whisper, just right, yell
Why should we change how loud or soft our voice is when speaking with others?
Example answer: We change how loud or soft our voice is to make sure we are heard clearly and to be respectful of the setting or the people around us.
Fix: "She breaked her pencil."
She broke her pencil!
Use the irregular past tense word for 'write' in a sentence.
She wrote an essay last night.
If you're in your bedroom and your sibling is in the living room, and you want to ask them to come in, what volume should you use?
Let's act it out.
Fix this sentence: 'I runned over to my friend in the hallway.'
How would you greet your friend in the loud hallway, making sure they hear you?
I ran over to my friend in the hallway.
Speak up and say: "Hey (friends name)! How are you?"
How can you tell if someone didn’t hear you because you were speaking too quietly? How can you fix it?
Example: They might ask you to repeat what you said or look confused. You can fix it by speaking louder or making sure they can hear you.
Fix: "I sitted on the chair."
I sat on the chair!
Use the irregular past tense word for 'drive' in a sentence.
Example: She drove to the store to buy more orange juice.
What volume should you use when you're in a meeting with your teacher or principal?
Just right! Let's act it out.
Fix this sentence: 'I goed to the store and buyed some snacks.'
How would you tell this to your friend several seats away from you at a sports game?
I went to the store and bought some snacks!
Speak up! Let's act it out.