Civil War
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Classroom Trivia

What was the name of the text we read about the Confederate solider and the Union solider? 

Pink and Say 


Ms. Chapman parks her car outside of the grocery store and runs into grab a few things. When she comes back outside, her car is gone! She looks around frantically and notices a sign that says "no parking here". What happened to her car? How do you know?

Her car was likely towed because she parked in a no parking zone based on the sign she saw.

What is the main focus of our new unit?

Civil Rights 


Name the planets in order starting with the one closest to the sun

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune 


Who has a birthday on May 24th?



What happened to Pink's mother in the text?

She was shot and killed by soldiers 


The Elderly Lion
A very Elderly Lion, weakened by old age and old injuries, could

no longer hunt for his food. He lived for a while on grass and berries, but this made him grow still weaker. He decided to use his brain to take what he could not get by force.

The Elderly Lion lay down in his den. He told every animal and bird who passed by that he was very sick. The animals all got the news of Elderly Lion’s illness, and came one by one to visit him. Squirrel came, bringing fresh grasses and berries. Squirrel was not seen after that. Dove came, bringing more fresh grasses and berries. Dove was not seen after that. More animals went to visit the Elderly Lion, and it became clear that animals were disappearing.

Fox thought about the situation. He decided to go and visit the Elderly Lion. He went to the Elderly Lion’s den and stood outside at a respectful distance. “How are you feeling today?” Fox asked.

“Not well, not at all well,” said the Elderly Lion. “But why do you stand there outside? Please—come inside and visit with me for a while.”

“No thank you,” said Fox. “I notice that there are many footprints leading into your den, but I see no trace of any leading out.” 

What happened to the animals visiting the lion and how do you know?

The lion was eating those who came to visit him! The story talks about how the animals were disappearing and we know lions are carnivores and eat smaller animals.


What court case made it so separate but equal was ALLOWED?

Plessy v. Ferguson 


Describe what a dwarf planet is 

A planet that is much smaller in size compared to the 8 planets in our solar system


Who was the last birthday in our class?

Malcolm and Manuel 


What happens to Pink and Say at the end of the text? Why is that significant? 

Both Pink and Say are arrested. Say is released from jail several months later. Pink is hanged within hours. It shows the different treatment of blacks and whites.


Laurier has a radio on her nightstand beside her bed. She has ballet shoes underneath her desk and a leotard laying on her bed. She keeps headphones in her pocket at all times. What two things does Laurier love and how do you know?

Music and dancing (especially ballet)


Which court case made it so separate but equal was NOT ALLOWED?

Brown v. Board of Education 


Which planet later became classified as a dwarf planet? 



Ms. Chapman's mom loves to do this to Ms. Chapman as soon she sees her 

Squeeze her face :( 


How did Abraham Lincoln die? 

He was assassinated at a theater while watching a show with his wife.


Tim and Tom dress alike every single day. They often switch places and pretend to be each other. They say it's fun to confuse people. They share the same birthday and they are in the same grade. How are Tim and Tom related? How do you know?

They are twins. They share the same birthday, they are in the same grade, and if they pretend to be each other, that means they look alike.

What is the name of our main character in our "Little Rock Nine" text?

Elizabeth Eckford 


Lewis Latimer fought in this war

The Civil War


What day did Kevin come and meet our class?

Tuesday, May 11th


This Amendment outlawed slavery 

The 13th Amendment 

Describe what it actually means to make an inference 

You use what the text tells you and your outside knowledge to make an educated guess 


Double Jeopardy: Based on the video we watched, who was the famous Supreme Court Justice involved in the court case that made integration of schools legal?

Thurgood Marshall


Lewis Latimer helped improve these three inventions

Lightbulb, elevator, telephone


Double Jeopardy: Name two things Kevin said to our class

He told you not to do your work and he said he was the prettier twin 
