Main Idea
Multiple Meaning Words

What is the main idea?

They are building a new hospital right by my house. Everyday I watch the workers drive huge tractors and push a ton of dirt. They have a big crane to help them place tall beams. The workers use bricks to build walls. I can't wait to see when the hospital is finally finished in the fall.

A new hospital is being built.


The drama teacher said "break a leg" and smiled before Emily went on stage.

To "break a leg" means:

A) Get hurt

B) Good luck

C) Your leg is broken

B) Good luck


Describe at least 4 things about a picture.


A round object that you can throw and a dance that royalty might attend are both examples of...

A ball


The brain is complex and has many different parts. There are four sets of lobes or sections within the brain. The frontal lobes behind your forehead do a lot of the thinking and planning. The parietal lobes toward the back of your head sense pain. And the occipital lobes at the base of the brain allow you to see. The temporal lobes behind your ears store memories of music, taste, vision, and touch. Isn't the brain fascinating?

The brain has many parts.


Mr. H yelled at the class all day. I think he got up on the wrong side of the bed.

To "get up on the wrong side of the bed" means:

A) Be grumpy

B) Fall out of bed

C) Sleep upside down

A) Be grumpy


BONUS - Double points!!

Describe at least 4 things about a picture.



The frog jumped out of the river onto the bank.

I need to go to the bank to get some money.

The side of a river or pond

A place for money to be kept in savings


BONUS - Double points!!

Almost half of American kids aged 6 to 13 are home alone for part of the day. While being home alone can sometimes be scary, being prepared can make all the difference. First discuss with your family what to do in case of an emergency. What should you do if someone gets hurt? Decide if there are any special rules that apply when you're home alone. Then come up with ways to entertain yourself like books or games that you might enjoy. If you're prepared, being home alone can be fun and relaxing.

Kids who are home alone should be prepared.


I got ten full-size chocolate bars while I was trick-or-treating. I hit the jackpot!

To "hit the jackpot" means:

A) won the lottery

B) was lucky

C) won lots of money

B) was lucky


Describe at least 4 things about a picture.



I grabbed a bowl to eat some breakfast.

I went to bowl this weekend with my friends at the bowling alley.

A dish for eating cereal or soup out of

To throw a ball at pins down an alley


The Ptesosaur was a flying reptile that lived millions of years ago. Often referred to as Pterodactyl or "wing finger." The wings of the Ptesosaur were thin membranes of skin, similar to the wings of bats, and extended along sides of the body. Some were no bigger than a sparrow while others were monsters with wingspans in excess of 40 feet!

Ptesosaurs were ancient flying reptiles.


There is a math test on Tuesday, so after school I need to hit the books.

To "hit the books" means:

A) Punch some textbooks

B) Throw books on the ground

C) Study

C) Study


Describe at least 4 things about a picture.



The annoying fly kept buzzing around my head.

The paper airplane can fly pretty high.

A type of bug that has wings.

To move through the air.


BONUS Question - double the points!

Working dogs are amazing animals specially trained to protect people and make life easier for them. Some working dogs act as eyes for blind people, ears for the hearing impaired and helpers for the physically challenged. Others help ranchers protect and move sheep. Police dogs help catch criminals. Search dogs are trained to find missing people. Working dogs are all amazing!

There are many types of working dogs.


Noah is a couch potato. He watches TV all day and never helps with chores.

To be a "couch potato" means:

A) to be lazy

B) to look like a potato

C) to eat potato chips on the couch

A) to be lazy


Describe at least 4 things about a picture.



I found the treasure chest buried under a rock.

My chest is hurting after running for so long.

A large box typically made of wood.

The front surface of a person's body.
