A bat is one animal that lives in a cave. Some fish live caves too. Even a few kinds of insects live in caves.

Many animals live in caves.


Long ago, people had to ride horses, walk, or even take a boat to get places because cars had not been invented. Cars are also helpful because they enable someone to get far places in a short time.

Cars are helpful.


Mighty Food is just one of many restaurants. Greg’s Grill is another restaurant in my town. Pancake Palace is also a restaurant in my town.

There are many restaurants in my town. 


It can help plants to grow. Without water, we would not have anything to clean clothes or other things with. We also would not have it to drink.

Water is important for plants. 


If we did not have sunlight, Earth would be extremely cold. Plus, it is needed to help plants turn chlorophyll into food. Sunlight also helps plants produce fruits and vegetables. 

Sunlight is important.


Of all of my friends, I think that Carl is my best friend of all. He has been my friend for so many years. Carl knows how to make me laugh whenever I am having a bad day. He also defends me when I am teased about how tall I am

Carl is my best friend.


Of all the things I enjoy doing, I enjoy drawing the most. It is so fun because I am able to relax. If I am having a bad day, It makes me feel calmer when I can come home and draw. I also love it becaase I am good at it. When I draw, most people tell me that they love the pictures.

I enjoy drawing most. 


Many people have a pet or two at home. Of all the pets in the world, I think that cats are the easiest pets for anyone to have. The first reason is they are easy to care for. They do not need to be bathed as much as dogs since they clean their own fur. The second reason is they do not need to be walked. They get their exercise from running around inside the house. A dog on the other hand would need to be taken outside many times a day

Cats are the easiest pets to take care of. 


After large amounts of steel became used for the first time in the 1800s, trains could travel across the entire country. Steel also is used to protect large buildings from being damaged.

Steel is an important resource. 


Working dogs are amazing animals specially trained to protect people and to make life easier for them. Some working dogs act as eyes for blind people, ears for the hearing impaired, and helpers for the physically challenged. Others help ranchers protect and move sheep and cattle from place to place. Police dogs help officers catch criminals, find illegal drugs and weapons. Search dogs are trained to find disaster victims and missing people.

There are many types of working dogs. 


I can't wait until this weekend! We’re going to my grandparents’ house and my entire family will be there. I will spend most of my time playing games with my cousins. We always have such a good time together! The day goes by so fast, and by the end we are all exhausted... but we still don’t want to leave!

I love going to my grandparent's house. 


Did you know that giraffes are the tallest animals in the world? They are unique in other ways, too. For one thing, they sleep only about 20 minutes each day, and usually not more than five minutes at a time. (They have to remain alert for predators.) Also, every giraffe’s coat is unique, and varies in color from white to nearly black, depending on what they eat and where they live.

Giraffes are unique animals. 


Farmer Joe had an apple orchard. He worked hard all year to grow apples. In the winter, the apple trees needed to rest. During this time, he checked the trees, cut off some branches, and kept the trees healthy. In the spring, he began to water the trees and leaves grew, then flowers grew. The apples grew in the summer. They got bigger and bigger and by the fall, they were ripe and ready to be picked. 

Farmer Joe worked hard all year to grow apples in his orchard.


3...2...1...BLAST OFF! There is a loud roar outside. The astronauts are on a real space ride and the shuttle blasts into space! A space shuttle has three parts. They are the boosters, the tank, and the orbiter. The first part is the boosters. They blast the shuttle into space and two minutes later, the boosters fall away and land in the sea.  The next part is the tank. It is the shuttle's gas tank. It sends gas to the engines. After 8 minutes it falls away too. The last part is the orbiter. Astronauts ride inside it. Later it will take them back to Earth. 

A space shuttle has three important parts. 


The school bell rang just in time for recess. "Get your baseball gloves" Ben said to his classmates. "I have a ball and a bat. We can play baseball at recess." The kids all began to run down the hall to the baseball field. The game began and Ben's team scored two runs. Johnny's team also scored two runs. The game was tied and there was only a few minutes left to recess. Ben said "let's all play again tomorrow! I'll bring the ball and bat. Don't forget to bring your baseball gloves to school everyone!" The children all agreed and walked back into school. 

Ben and his classmates enjoy a game of baseball during recess. 
