Write the number fifty four thousand three-hundred one in standard form.
What is 54,301
Identify this property of addition of multiplication:
17 x 1 = 17
What is Identity property of Multiplication
What is 101
What is 10.
Find the value of the italicized digit.
6, 431, 200
What is 30,000
The Cupcake Shop chain of bakeries sold 645,301 cupcakes last year. Write this number in expanded form.
What is (6x100,000)+(4x10,000)+(5x1,000)+(3x100)+(1x1)
Write the number 16, 320 in word form.
What is sixteen thousand three hundred twenty
Identify this Property of Addition of Multiplication
3 + (12 + 4) = (3 + 12) + 4
What is Associative Property of Addition
What is 103?
What is 1,000.
Find the value of the italicized digit.
123, 112
What is 100
The football field at Leo's school has an area of 7,000 square meters. How can Leo show the area as a whole number multiplied by a power of 10.
What is 7x103
Put 3,897 in expanded form
What is (3x1,000) + (8x100) + (9x10) + (7x1)
Identify this Property of Addition of Multiplication:
67 x 2 = 2 x 67
What is Commutative Property of Multiplication
What is 105?
What is 100,000.
Find the value of the italicized digit.
235, 312
What is 2
Ms. Slonke ordered 5,000 markers for her school store. Only 1/10 of them arrived in time. How many markers did she receive?
What is 500?
Write two-hundred nineteen thousand five hundred one in standard form.
What is 219,501
Identify this Property of Addition of Multiplication:
(8 x 3 ) x 4= 8 x (3 x 4)
What is Associative Property of Multiplication
Solve 5 x 103.
What is 5,000
Find the value of the italicized digit.
7, 314, 289
What is 300,000
Mrs. Honsa ordered 300 stickers for the fifth grade. The shipment was wrong and needed 10 times as much. How many stickers should she have received?
What is 3,000
Write 520,485 in expanded form.
What is (5x100,000) + (2x10,000) + (4x100) + (8x10) + (5x1)
Identify this Property of Addition of Multiplication:
8 x (4 + 7) = (8 x 4) + (8 x 7)
What is Distributive Property
60 x 102
What is 6,000
ind the value of the italicized digit.
34, 678, 091
What is 4,000,000
What is 4 x 12 = (4 x 10) + (4x2)