Multiplying decimals
Story problem
Science 1
Science 2
Science 3

0.045 x _______ = 45



There are 1.54 liters of water in a bottle. You buy a case with 10 bottles. How many liters do you have altogether? 

15.4 liters


An organism that lacks chlorophyll and gets nutrients from dead or living organisms.

A. Yeast

B. Sugar

C. Fungus

D. Nutrients



Plants make the food they need mostly from ______.

A. Sunlight and air

B. Minerals in the soil

C. Decomposed material in the ground

D. Chemicals in water and air

Chemicals in water and air


What makes their own food? Name two examples as well

Producers examples include plants, algae ext


_______ x 104= 36,000



You are preparing fudge to hand out for 8 guests you are having. Each guest receives one pound of fudge each. You make 1.4 pounds of fudge per batch. How many FULL batches do you need to make in order to have enough for everyone to receive one pound?

8 / 1.4 = 5.71 or 6 full batches 


A waste gas produced during cellular respiration

A. Oxygen

B. Carbon Dioxide

C. Yeast

D. Air

B. Carbon Dioxide


Water carries _____ up from the roots to the stems and leaves.

A. O2 (oxygen)

B. Dissolves minerals

C. Dissolved sugars

D. CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)

dissolved minerals


Which statement best identifies the role of fungi in the cycle of matter and energy in the environment?

A. Fungi are consumers because they get nutrition from other organisms.

B. Fungi are producers because they provide nutrition to some animals that eat them.

C. Fungi are producers because they need sunlight to produce their own food.

D. Fungi are decomposers because they break down dead plants and animals.

Fungi are decomposers because they break down dead plants and animals.


38.27 x 5.20 = 


A turkey feather is 12.4 inches long. There are 18 feathers on a turkey "fan." How many inches total are there on a turkey fan? 

223.2 inches


What is the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph?

Autotroph- are known as producers because they are able to make their own food from raw materials and energy. Examples include plants, algae, and some types of bacteria

Heterotroph- Heterotrophs are known as consumers because they consume producers or other consumers. Dogs, birds, fish, and humans are all examples


Water carries ______ down from the leaves to the stems to the roots.

A. CO2

B. Dissolved Sugars

C. O2

D. Dissolved Minerals

dissolved sugars


What are the four large systems that make up Earth?

Geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere


3.468 x _____ = 69.36



You have 4 packages of Christmas tree lights that are 11.2 feet long. Then you buy 5 packages of lights for your house that are 17.25 feet long. How many feet of lights do you have? 

4 x 11.2 = 44.8

5 x 17.25 = 86.25

= 131.05 feet 


What is dormancy and what does yeast need to break its dormancy?

dormancy means inactive or a resting state. they need food and water. So by putting them in a moist environment with nutrients (such as sugar), they become "active."


Students looked at different kinds of leaves under a microscope. All the leaves had very tiny holes. Which statement below is one role of the tiny holes?

A. They let in light that the plants need to grow.

B. They let in water that the plants need to grow.

C. They let out water that plants do not use.

D. They let out nutrients that plants do not use.

They let out water that plants do not use.


What does food provide for organisms?

Food is the source of nutrients that provide for growth, development, and system repair in organisms.


3.002 x 21.21= ________ (round to the nearest hundredth)



You go to the deli and buy salami at $3.07 a pound and you buy ham at $3.67 a pound. If you purchase 2 pounds of salami and 1.5 pounds of ham, how much money do you spend? 

6.14 + 5.505= $11.645 or $11.64


What are the three main types of consumers and what do they do?

Herbivore- eats plants

Carnivore- eats meat

Omnivore- eat both

Technically 4 being decomposers


What is the difference between a primary, secondary and a third level consumer? 

Primary consumers refer to the organisms that feed on primary producers, and secondary consumers refer to the organisms that feed on primary consumers while third party ( or tertiary) consumers refer to the animals that obtain their nutrition by eating primary consumers and secondary consumers


A food pyramid describes levels in a feeding relationship involving producers, consumers, and decomposers.What information does a food pyramid describe that a food web might not?

A food web puts the consumers into categories to describe whether they are a primary consumer, secondary consumer, or a top consumer. I also shows that you need a very large base of producers to support just a few top consumers. 
