What Operation?
What operation 2?

Ronnie had 123 eggs in a fridge in his restaurant. He put 32 more cartons of eggs in the fridge. Each carton contained 18 eggs. Which of these is the best estimate of the number of eggs Ronnie now has in his fridge?

Since it is asking for an estimate, first round the numbers: 32 rounds to 30. 18 rounds to 20. 123 rounds to 100.

Multply 30 x 20 then add 100.


Aracely is reading a 528 page book. She reads 22 pages each day. How many days will it take Chloe to read the entire book?

The book is a TOTAL of 528 pages.

She reads 22 pages EACH DAY.

This is a division problem


Convert all of the following fractions to decimals.

1/4 = ?

1/2 = ?

3/4 = ?

1/4 = 0.25

1/2 = 0.50

3/4 = 0.75


What is 5/6 - 1/4?

Remember to find the LCD



Zoey is building a wooden fence around her rectangular yard. If her yard is 10 feet wide and 15 feet long, how many feet of wood will she need?

10 + 10 + 15 + 15

50 feet


Johnathan wants to buy 3 shirts and 2 belts. The shirts cost $16.89 each, and the belts cost $8.97 each. Johnathan has $45.

Which of these amounts is the best estimate of how much more money Johnathan needs in order to buy the shirts and belts?

Multiply the cost of a shirt times the amount of shirts he bought.

Multiply the cost of a belt times the amount of belts he bought.

Add the two products together.


Autumn's dog weighs 32.6 pounds. Marcell's dog weighs 3.8 times as much as Autumn's dog. What does Marcell's dog weigh in pounds?

Marcell's dog weighs 3.8 TIMES as much as Autumn's dog. We know that Marcell's dog will weight more than Autumn's dog.



Jeremi  saved a total of $3.20 over 5 weeks. He saved the same amount of money each week. How much money did Jeremi save each week?

3.20 divided by 5



Convert the following decimals to fractions:

0.50 = ?

0.25 = ?

0.75 = ?

0.50 = 1/2

0.25 = 1/4

0.75 = 3/4


Cayden put a layer of boxes in the bottom of a container. The base layer is 6 feet wide and 6 feet long. Cayden will need 8 layers to completely fill the container. What is the volume of the container in cubic feet?

Volume = l x w x h

6 x 6 x 8

288 cubic feet


Joyce ran 3.75 kilometers each day to prepare for a race. What was the number of kilometers that Joyce ran during 28 days?

Find the product of 3.75 times 28

She ran 3.75 kilometers each day for 28 days so thats 3.75 being added 28 times.


Gavin spent $3.45 on snacks everyday for 11 days. What is the amount of money Gavin spent on these snacks?

If Gavin spends $3.45 on snacks every day, how much will he spend for 11 days?



Emma  paid $36.95 for each adult shirt and $23.95 for each youth shirt she bought. Emma bought 2 adult shirts and 5 youth shirts.

How much money did she spend on these shirts?

$36.95 x 2 = $73.90

$23.95 x 5 = $119.75

$119.75 + $73.90 = $193.65



Leeland has a coffee shop and used 1/4 gallon of syrup to make 16 iced coffees. He used the same amount of syrup in each iced coffee. How much syrup in gallons was used in each iced coffee?

1/4 gallon of syrup being divided evenly to make 16 iced coffees.

1/4 divided by 16



The length of one wall in Mr.Frankum's classroom is 11 feet. If the area of the wall is 99 square feet, what is the width of the wall in feet?

Area is l x w

99 = 11 x ?

99 divided by 11

The width is 9 feet


Mariah's company makes 625 cell phone cases each day. How many cell phone cases does the company make in 31 days?



Faith is hosting a party. She has a total of 428.5 ounces of chips to put into 5 bowls for the party. She put an equal amount of chips in each bowl. How many ounces of chips did Faith put into each bowl?

Faith has a total of 428.5 ounces of chips that she needs to DIVIDE into 5 bowls equally.



Byron and his 4 friends went out to dinner. The bill was a total of $126.25. They decide to split the bill evenly amongst all of them. How much will each person have to pay?

Byron and his 4 friends = 5 people

126.25 divided by 5



What is the value of this expression?

1/12 x 36?



Trinity is painting a canvas. Her canvas is 13 inches long and 7 inches wide. How many square inches of the canvas will she need to paint?

Area is the amount of space in a shape. Area is length x width

13 x 7 = 91 square inches.


The regular price of a calculator is $12.30. Joseph paid 75 cents less than the regular price for the calculator. He also paid $1.48 for a pad of paper. What is the total amount Joseph paid for these two items?

This is a two step problems

First you need to subtract: 12.30 - 0.75

Then you need to add $1.48 to the difference.


Presslee drinks 0.5 liters of orange juice with breakfast each day for 15 days. How many milliliters of orange juice does Presslee drink during the 15 days?

Convert LITERS to MILLILITERS. Horse to fly, multiply

There are 1000 milliliters in 1 liter. so 0.5 L turns into 500 mL

Then multiply 500 mL times 15


Last month, Aidan drove his car 2,718.3 miles. That brought the car's total mileage to 87,416 miles. What was the car's total mileage before last month?

Since we are looking for his car's total mileage BEFORE last month, we know the number will be smaller. Subtraction. Remember to line up the decimals.

87,416 - 2,718.3 = 84,697.7


John is making slime. He put 3/4 cups of glue, 1/2 cup of food coloring, 1/4 cups of water and 1/4 cups of shaving cream. What is the total amount of cups of ingredients John put in his slime?

Add all the fractions together. LCD is 4.

3/4 + 2/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 = 7/4

Convert the improper fraction to a mixed number: 1 3/4 cups


Kailey is building a lego house. The area of the base is 72 centimeters. If the height of the house is 12 centimeters, what is the volume of Kailey's lego house?

Volume is l x w x h OR Bh

72 x 12 = 864 cubic cm
