Double Jeopardy!
How many gallons can be made with 24 quarts?
6 gallons
How many weeks in a 1 1/2 years.
78 weeks
How many cups are there in 9 pints?
18 cups
How many days are there from April 1 to June 10th?
71 days
How many inches are there in 12.5 feet?
150 inches
Double Jeopardy!
If we start school at 9:18 a.m. and end school at 2:59 p.m., how many hours and minutes are we in school for each day.
5 hours and 41 minutes
The temperature yesterday was -4°F in the morning and 13°F in the evening. How many degrees did the temperature rise?
A snowstorm drove the temperature down 3°C each hour. The thermometer read 8°C before the storm began. What did it read 4 hours later?