Ch 2&3
Ch 4&5
Ch 6&7
Ch 8&9

What is the name of the bread showered from heaven during the Israelite's journey?

Manna (Pg 11)


Who are Solomon's parents?

David and Bathsheba (pg 20)


What was the relationship between Esther and Mordecai and what positions did they hold?

Esther's parents died when she was young, so Mordecai raised her, the son of her father's brother. (Pg 25)


List the traits we need to expand our God-given talents.

The answer is subjective. 

Example: Discipline, Goal, Hard-work, Dedication and Prayer


Why did the Lord send a fiery serpent to the Israelites?

The Israelites began to speak against God and Moses. (Pg 13)


Describe Job's early life and what Satan took away from him.

Job was a blameless and upright man who feared God and shunned evil. He lived with his wife 7 sons and 3 daughters. He was very rich, having a large number of servants and livestock. He lived peacefully and joyously, glorifying God. (Pg 16)


Who was Haman?

He was the appointed prime minister of the King. (Pg 25)


Give a list of traits a prayer should have.

The answer is subjective.

Example: Without pride, do not blame anyone, admit your mistake and seek guidance and forgiveness


List the 4 miracles done by Moses during the journey. 

1. Journey through the Red Sea

2. Bitter water made sweet

3. Bread of Life

4. The saving hand

Important to read the details of each. 


What is the meaning of the name Solomon?

Peace (Pg 20)


What did Tobit do that angered the King?

He would secretly take the bodies of those killed by King Sennacherib and bury them while conducting religious rites. This angered the King. ( Pg 28)


Why did the Jews dislike tax collectors?

Many of them collected taxes unjustly and were seen by their Jewish community as traitors who worked for the foreign Roman Empire. (Pg 32)


How were the children of Israel saved from death?

Moses made a bronze serpent as instructed by God. Whenever the Israelites were bitten by the serpent they would look at the serpent of bronze and live. (Pg 14)


True or False: Job's wife agreed with Job’s loyalty towards God. Explain.

False, she said to Job "Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!" as she doubted God. (Pg 17)


Why was Mordecai in trouble with Haman?

Haman instructed Mordecai to bow down to him. Mordecai refused saying he would only bow down to God. Angered by this, Haman wanted to kill Mordecai and built gallows to hang him. (Pg 25)


List the inner meaning of the parable about the master and his servants.

1. The master going to a far country means the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven.

2. We are the servants.

3. The return of the master signifies the second coming of Christ.

4. Granting rewards denotes the Last Judgement. 

(Pg 36)


What does the elevated bronze serpent represent?

It serves as a representation of Christ's crucifixion and salvation, brought about through the cross. (Pg 14)


What opinion did Job’s friends hold?

Job's three friends Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar urged Job to repent and receive goodness from God. However, Job believed he was righteous in his own eyes and did not listen. His friend Elihu then became angry towards Job for justifying himself rather than God. (Pg 18)


What did angel Raphael do to Tobit?

As Tobit was blind, angel Raphael in disguise came to his son Tobiah and instructed him to put medicine in Tobit's eyes. In doing this his eyesight was restored. (Pg 28)


Compare the prayer of that of the pharisee and tax collector. Whose prayer is more thoughtful?

The prayer of the tax collector is more thoughtful because he is humble, admits his mistake, and does not blame anyone. (Pg 31)
