Drawing Inferences
Compare and Contrast
Figurative Language
Math Mix-Up

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

-- W.H.Davies

What do you think is an appropriate title for the above poem?

A.  "Stand and Stare"

B.  "Leisure"

C.  "Hard Work"

D.  "No Time" 

D.  "No Time"


What would you look for when comparing two characters?

A.  What the characters look like

B.  What the characters like and dislike

C.  What the characters say

D.  All of the above 

D.  All of the above


A simile is _________________________.

Select the phrase that best completes the above sentence.

A.  a figure of speech that compares two things.

B.  a figure of speech that compares two things using the words 'like' or 'as'. 

C.  a figure of speech that describes an image.

D.  a figure of speech that gives an object human characteristics.

B.  a figure of speech that compares two things using the words 'like' or 'as'.


What is the value of the expression 3,972 ÷ 12?

What is 331?


If Dr. Thomas runs 3 and 2/5 miles each day, how far will he run in 4 days?

What is 13 and 3/5 miles?

13 3/5


Once, there was a severe drought. There was little water in Tony’s well, and he didn’t know what would happen to the fruit trees in his garden. Just then, he noticed three men looking intently at his house. He was certain that the three strangers were planning to rob his house. He acted quickly. He shouted out to his son, “My son, due to the drought, money has become scarce. There are many thieves. Let us protect our valuables, and put all jewels in a box and throw them into the well. They will be safe there.” He quickly told his son to put some large stones in a box and throw them into the well. The thieves heard the sound of the box falling into the well and were happy.

That night they came to the well. The box was heavy and had landed deep down in the well. To get it, they would have to take out some of the water. They started drawing water from the well and pouring it onto the ground. Tony had made arrangements to make sure that the water reached his fruit trees. He had channels leading from the well to each of the trees.

By the time thieves found the box, they had drawn out enough water to water the trees. It was almost dawn. Tony sent for the soldiers, and just as the thieves were trying to open the box, they were caught red-handed.

What would be a good title for the above story?

A.  A Clever Idea 

B.  Tricking the Homeowners

C.  Cops and Robbers

D.  How to Steal

A.  A Clever Idea


When using a Venn diagram to compare and contrast two characters, what does the overlapping section of the circles show?

A.  It describes the traits the characters have in common. 

B.  It describes the traits the characters do not have in common.

C.  It describes all the characteristics of both characters.

D.  It does not do any of the above.

A.  It describes the traits the characters have in common.


A metaphor is _______________________.

Select the phrase that best completes the above sentence.

A.  a figure of speech that compares two things. 

B.  a figure of speech that compares two things using the words 'like' or 'as'.

C.  a figure of speech that describes an image.

D.  a figure of speech that gives an object human characteristics.

A.  a figure of speech that compares two things.


Kobe house number is divisible by 3 and 4. Which of the following could be his house number? 

A. 1828      B. 1844      C. 1856     D. 1872

What is D. 1872?


What is 


What is 125?


A Clever Idea

Once, there was a severe drought. There was little water in Tony’s well, and he didn’t know what would happen to the fruit trees in his garden. Just then, he noticed three men looking intently at his house. He was certain that the three strangers were planning to rob his house. He acted quickly. He shouted out to his son, “My son, due to the drought, money has become scarce. There are many thieves. Let us protect our valuables and put all jewels in a box and throw them into the well. They will be safe there.” He quickly told his son to put some large stones in a box and throw them into the well. The thieves heard the sound of the box falling into the well and were happy.

That night they came to the well. The box was heavy and had landed deep down in the well. To get it, they would have to take out some of the water. They started drawing water from the well and pouring it onto the ground. Tony had made arrangements to make sure that the water reached his fruit trees. He had channels leading from the well to each of the trees.

By the time thieves found the box, they had drawn out enough water to water the trees. It was almost dawn. Tony sent for the soldiers, and just as the thieves were trying to open the box, they were caught red-handed.

The above passage is about __________.

A.  how the thieves watered the field. 

B.  how the thieves robbed for money.

C.  how the thieves took the jewels.

D.  how the thieves put the box in the well.

A.  how the thieves watered the field.


Pick the sentence that compares the sets of words correctly.

a. Math, Science, Social Studies, History

b. Basketball, Soccer, Baseball, Tennis

A.  Choice 'a' contains subjects related to cognitive activity, whereas choice 'b' contains games that are related to physical activity.

B.  Choice 'a' contains subjects that we study, whereas choice 'b' contains the games that we play.

C.  Choice 'a' contains subjects that are easy, whereas choice 'b' contains games that are difficult to play.

D.  Both 'a' and 'b' are correct. 

D.  Both 'a' and 'b' are correct.


Under the snow-white sheet, upon a snow-white pillow, lay the most beautiful girl that Tom had ever seen. Her cheeks were very white, and her hair was like threads of gold spread all over her pillow.

The second sentence is an example of __________________________.

Select the phrase that best completes the above sentence.

A.  a metaphor

B.  personification

C.  a detailed sentence

D.  a simile 

D.  a simile


What is the decimal equivalent of 41/100?

What is 0.41?


Jason compares the properties of several quadrilaterals. He notices that a quadrilateral with all the properties of a rhombus and all the properties of a rectangle would BEST be described as a

A square.         B trapezoid. 

 C parallelogram.       D quadrilateral.

C. What is a parallelogram?


Do Your Best

Katie stood before the crowd blushing and wringing her hands. She looked out and saw the room full of faces. Some she knew, and some she did not. But they were all here to listen to her. Taking a deep breath, she opened her mouth, but no words came out. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes as she closed them.

With her eyes closed, she imagined her mother helping her get dressed and ready for tonight.

"Just do your best," is what her mother had told her.

She opened her eyes and found her mother's smiling face in the crowd. Relaxing, she took another deep breath and started singing. She did not stop until she finished, and the crowd was on their feet, applauding.

After the show, she found her parents and her friends. They all had wonderful things to say about her song and how proud they were because she kept going even when it seemed like she might give up. She shrugged her shoulders and shared a smile with her mother.

"I just did my best," she answered.

The above passage is about __________.

A.  being determined. 

B.  giving up.

C.  listening to friends.

D.  taking a deep breath.

A.  being determined.


Explain what the words in the following set have in common.

Lincoln, Washington, Kennedy, Clinton

A.  They are all names of airports in the United States of America

B.  They are all names of former American presidents. C.  They are names of some states in the United States of America.

D.  None of the above

B.  They are all names of former American presidents.


What two objects does the simile below compare?

A cloud floats like a feather in the sky.

A.  It compares a cloud and the sky.

B.  It compares a cloud and a feather. 

C.  It compares a feather and the sky.

D.  It compares the sky with nothing

B.  It compares a cloud and a feather.



16 + (8 x 11) ÷ 4 - 13

What is 35?


LeBron drinks 1/4 gallon of orange juice each day. How many cups of orange juice does LeBron drink in 4 days?

What is 32 cups?


Late for School

Marrah heard the brakes on the bus as she shoveled the rest of her breakfast into her mouth. “You just missed the bus!” Marrah’s mother yelled. “Why can’t you ever be on time?”

“I’m sorry, Mom,” Marrah sighed. She ran upstairs to her room so she could get her backpack, knowing she needed to hurry because her mother would have to take her to school.

“Let’s go, Marrah!” Her mother called from downstairs. “You don’t want to be late for school too!”

Frantic now, Marrah lifted her sheets to look under them before dropping to her knees in front of her bed. She pushed mounds of clothes out of the way as she continued to search for her backpack.

“Marrah!” Her mother called again. She could hear the impatience in her mother’s voice downstairs. She ran out of her room and leaned over the rail.

“I can’t find my backpack!” She cried out.

“You mean this one?” Her mother pulled the bag from the floor beside her.

“Oh,” she replied, her shoulders sagging as she walked down the stairs.

“Let’s go to school, Marrah.” Her mother said with a small smile on her face as they walked out the door.

Which characteristics below describe Marrah?

A.  Happy, organized, punctual

B.  Sad, depressed, unhappy

C.  Disorganized, frustrated, tardy 

D.  Annoyed, confused, pleased

C.  Disorganized, frustrated, tardy


Which sentence would lead you to compare two items?

A.  Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy had several similarities during their terms in office.

B.  The American Revolution and the Civil War had many differences.

C.  The two pets could not be more diverse from each other.

D.  How are tornadoes different from hurricanes?

A.  Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy had several similarities during their terms in office.


My daddy is a tiger

My mother is a bear

My sister is a pest

Who messes with my hair

Why would the author compare his mother to a bear?

A.  She is protective. 

B.  She is tall.

C.  She is frightening.

D.  The author does not compare her to a bear.

A.  She is protective.


What is 15 x 25?

What is 375?


A bakery sells glazed donuts for $6 per dozen. Coach Barnwell buys 2 3/4 dozen. Which statement is true about the number of donuts Coach Barnwell buys? 

A. Coach Barnwell buys fewer than 12 donuts.

B. Coach Barnwell buys more than 12 but less than 24 donuts.

C. Coach Barnwell buys more than 24 but less than 36 donuts.

D. Coach Barnwell buys more than 36 donuts.

C. Coach Barnwell buys more than 24 but less than 36 donuts?
