The longest season of the liturgical calendar (name or color)?
What is Ordinary Time and Green
Name one of the three main prayers said while praying the rosary.
Lords Prayer
Hail Mary
Glory Be
Name the two major parts of mass
Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Name the first half of the Bible
Double Points: name one book in this section of the Bible
Old Testament
Name 2 of the Works of Mercy
Feed Clothe
Visit Sick or Imprisoned
What two seasons are represented by purple?
Advent and Lent
What is the prayer said on the 10 beads of the Rosary?
Hail Mary
Which part of mass are the readings presented?
Liturgy of the Word
Name the second half of the Bible
Double Points: name one book on this section of the Bible
New Testament
How many Stations if the Cross
Represented by the color white these seasons occur after the birth of Jesus and after the resurrection of Jesus.
Eastertime and Christmastime
How many Mysteries if the Rosary?
Name the part if mass where the priest blesses snd prepares the bread and wine
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Name the 4 apostles who wrote the Gospel readings in the Bible
Matthew Mark Luke and John
Name the sacraments you have already received
The name of the three days of Easter Holy Week
The Tridiuum
How many decades are in a full rosary
What was the meal that Jesus shared with the Apostles the night before he was condemned to die called
This is re-enacted by the priest every time we attend mass
The Last Supper
True or False
The Old Testament recalls stories about Jesus’s life
Name the Sacrament you receive in 8th grade
This day represents the beginning of Lent
Ash Wednesday
The Prayer that starts the Rosary
The Apostles Creed
Name the long word that means changing the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ
Hint. Starts with T and is only believed by Catholic Christians
What is the correct order when finding a verse on the Bible
a) Chapter Book Verse
b) Book Verse Chapter
c) Book Chapter Verse
Name the prayer you say after confessing your sins to the priest during confession.
Act of Contrition