Cause & Effect
Figurative Language
Text Features
Conclusions & Inferences
Context Clues

Ms. Wood didn't remind the students to wear their pride shirts for Friday's Spirit Day, therefore, many of the students forgot. What is the EFFECT?

a. Ms. Wood didn't remind the students to wear their pride shirts

b. Many students forgot to wear their pride shirts.

c. There was a School Spirit celebration on Friday.

d. The students weren't required to wear their pride shirts.

B - many students forgot to wear their pride shirts


Figurative language is language that: 

a. Uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal meaning 

b. Enhances writing by making it more lively and interesting 

c. Makes reading more interesting 

d. All of the above

D - all of the above


A ____ is an illustration with labels.

a. glossary

b. diagram

c. index

d. graph



What can you infer by reading the passage below

"I hate the idea of having all those people out there watching me...I just don't like it when I'm around so many people. I wish I just could hide somewhere," whispered Violet.

  1. Violet can be a mean girl
  2. Violet can be somewhat relaxed
  3. Violet is probably somewhat shy

3 - Violet is probably somewhat shy


"The grasshoppers devoured everything around them."

Using context clues, we can determine that the meaning of the word "devoured" is                .

  1. landed on
  2. ate
  3. flew over
  4. ignored

2 - ate


Since Marcy didn't set her alarm to the correct time, she was late to work and missed a very important meeting. What is the EFFECT in this sentence?

a. Marcy didn't set her alarm on time

b. She was late to work

c. She missed a very important meeting

d. Both B and C

Both b & c - she was late to work AND missed a very important meeting!


“Stop beating around the bush and get to the point!” What is the meaning of the figurative language?

a. They need to work on their gardening skills. 

b. They don’t need to be so violent. 

c. They need to just say what they mean. 

d. They need to be more honest.

C - they need to just say what they mean


______ helps the reader identify important words. 

a. The index

b. The table of contents

c. Bold text

d. A sidebar

C - bold text


Eight people are carrying a large inflatable down the bank of a river. The water in the river is moving very fast. Each person buckles up their life preserver and puts on a helmet. They climb into the raft and paddle to catch the rapid current.

What do you think the eight people are doing?

  1. climbing a mountain
  2. going white water rafting
  3. going fishing

2 - going white water rafting


Sue discovered that her favorite dress, which she had hung out to dry on a clothesline, had fallen and become bedraggled in the mud.

What does BEDRAGGLED mean?

  1. small and helpless
  2. smooth and colorful
  3. limp and dirty
  4. fresh and clean

3 - limp and dirty


Due to sending home various notes from the office and writing reminders in our planner, McSwain students brought in a total of 435 packages of pasta for the school-wide service project.

What is the CAUSE?

a. The students brought in packages of pasta.

b. The students at McSwain were participating in a project.

c. The students at McSwain were very generous.

d. Notes went home and reminders were written in planners.

D - notes went home and reminders were written in planners.


Fill in the blank with the word that makes the sentence below an example of figurative language.

The sun ________  down on the Earth.

  1. smiled
  2. showed
  3. shone

Option 1 - smiled


The ________helps the reader find key topics in the nonfiction book they are reading. 

a. table of contents

b. index

c. caption

d. glossary

a - table of contents


Due to their incredible force and unpredictability, floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. Floods often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood.

Based on what you have read, you can INFER or CONCLUDE that:

  1. Cleaning up after a flood can be expensive and take time.
  2. Floods only occur along the coast.
  3. Floods are not that dangerous.
  4. After flood waters dry up, the problem is over.

1 - cleaning up after a flood can be expensive and take time


Brady tried to QUELL the rumors about his illness, but they continued.

What is the meaning of the word in all caps?

  1. Stop
  2. Begin
  3. Change
  4. Spread

1 - stop


Tammy was in her backyard climbing a tree. She climbed to the middle part of the tree. Before she knew what had happened, bees were swarming all around and over her. Tammy let out a blood curdling yell. What do you think was the effect of Tammy hitting the nest?

Bees stung her


Read this example of figurative language:

"The baby's skin was like a rose petal." 

What is the author trying to tell readers?

a. The baby's skin is very soft and delicate.

b. The baby's skin is rough.

c. The baby's skin is dry.

d. The baby's skin is sticky.

A - the baby's skin is very soft and delicate


The _________ is like a mini dictionary found in the back of the nonfiction book you are reading. It helps the reader understand key words that are in the text.



Julio and his father had been looking forward to their fishing trip for weeks. They didn't take much food with them on the trip. When they started fishing they were quickly approached by a forest ranger. He asked Julio's father if he had a fishing license. Julio's father reached into his wallet and suddenly got a terrified look on his face. Julio was disappointed that night as he ate dinner.

Why did Julio and his father not take much food with them on the trip?

  1. They were planning on eating the fish they caught.
  2. They didn't have any food at their house.
  3. They didn't want to eat too much.
  4. They don't like to eat fish.

1 - They were planning on eating the fish they caught.


The teacher's face, like a brightly glowing summer day, signaled her feelings of contentment.

What does CONTENTMENT mean?

  1. annoyance
  2. happiness
  3. fearlessness
  4. expression

2 - happiness


Henry James is a basketball player for the Orlando TwirlyBirds. Henry is a great player. He got sick one morning, therefore he missed his game. Orlando lost because they didn't have their key player who was Henry. 

Identify a word that signals a cause and effect relationship in the scenario above.

therefore or because


"When Joe stopped stealing from his mother and started stealing from stores, he jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire."

What does the phrase OUT OF THE FRYING PAN AND INTO THE FIRE mean?

  1. to get out of one bad place and into a worse one
  2. to find something that one enjoys doing daily
  3. to learn how to improve upon one's special skills
  4. to do something today instead of waiting around

Option 1 - yikes!


_________ is the genre of text about real people, animals, places, or things. 

a. nonfiction

b. fiction

c. fantasy

d. historical fiction



Mars, a reddish orange planet often seen in the night sky, has long been of interest to humans. Many years ago, scientists used telescopes to chart the movements of Mars. Modern scientists can do more than just look at Mars through a telescope.

Based on the passage, how has modern science helped those with an interest in Mars?

  1. They can only use telescopes to see the planet.
  2. They can obtain new, in-depth information about the planet.
  3. They can fly to visit the planet on their own.
  4. They can learn about other planets as well.

Option 2 - They can obtain new, in-depth information about the planet.


We had our doubts about the new member of our team; and yet, she surpassed our expectations at every turn.

In this sentence, 'she surpassed our expectations' means that:

  1. she met our expectations
  2. she made progress in our expectations
  3. she didn't meet our expectations
  4. she did better than our expectations

5 - she did better than our expectations
