Mixed Bag
Context Clues

Read the passage and choose which sentence is an opinion. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France for our 100th birthday. It was shipped to America in 350 pieces. America celebrates its independence on July 4th. Lady Liberty looks grand with her crown and torch.

Lady Liberty looks grand with her crown and torch.


The Wizard of Oz A. Kansas is boring. B. There's no place like home. C. Somewhere over the rainbow... D. Wear red shoes to protect yourself.

There's no place like home.


The long hike up to the top of the mountain was extremely grueling. Does grueling mean loud, tiring, or easy?

What is tiring?


Choose the best summary Many people do not like going to the dentist. The dentist has many tools, which make patients nervous. People think the dentist will hurt them when he checks their teeth. A. You should always brush your teeth. B. Dentists tell people they have cavities. C. Many people are fearful of a visit to the dentist. D. The dentist has scary tools.

What is C. Many people are fearful of a visit to the dentist?


Read this passage Sam looked through the window at the city far below. The light came on informing all those on board to fasten their seat belts. They were about to land. Where was Sam?

In an airplane


Read the passage and choose which sentence is an fact. Tiny algae live inside some fish. A glow-in-the-dark mushroom is an amazing light sight. Having a built-in flashlight is a cool idea. Fireflies are wonderful to see.

Tiny algae live inside some fish.


Spongebob Squarepants A. Sponges can wear pants. B. Be happy with the simple things in life. C. Life under the sea is interesting. D. Cartoons don't have to make sense.

What is be happy with the simple things in life?


The conspicious man wore a purple wig and large sunglasses. Does conspicious mean...easily noticed, beautiful, or sleeping?

What is easily noticed?


Tammy and Sammy were both students in Mr. Morton’s reading class. Mr. Morton wasn’t too strict about deadlines, and Sammy took advantage of that. He did all of his homework in his other classes but never bothered to complete Mr. Morton’s reading assignments, figuring that he could complete them later. Tammy, on the other hand, completed each assignment Mr. Morton assigned the night that he assigned it. She had to stay up a little later, but she didn’t want to get a penalty for turning in her reading work late. Tammy knew reading was a core subject and that she had to keep “C” average for the entire year or she would have to go to summer school. When the end of the quarter came, Tammy and Sammy had both planned on going to the Enchanted Castle amusement park, but Mr. Morton called Sammy’s mother, and she grounded Sammy until he turned in all of his work. That weekend was horrible for Sammy. He stayed up until 2:00 AM each night and still couldn’t complete all of the assignments. The whole while, Tammy had a great time eating pizza at Enchanted Castle, watching movies late at night, and enjoying her weekend free of stress and pressure. At the end of the quarter, Sammy was lucky to squeak by with a “C” minus in reading while Tammy earned an “A.” Sammy still hasn’t learned his lesson and probably won’t complete this activity either. What is the theme of this story A. Play first work last B. Trying your best is a waste of time C.It is better to do things right the first time. D. Teachers are unfair

C. It is better to do things right the first time.


David through the yellow ball above his head and whacked it with the racket. The ball landed in the middle of the net 'Fault', said the umpire. What was David doing?

Playing Tennis


Which of the following is NOT a feature that can be found in nonfiction text? a) Headings that designate sections of text b) Bullets that indicate a list c) Factual information about a topic d) Conversations between characters

D) Conversations between characters


Star Wars saga A. Always carry a light saber. B. Learn how to defend yourself. C. Good wins out over evil. D. The future is cool.

What is good wins out over evil?


I was so parched that I drank an entire glass of water in one gulp. Does parched mean hungry, thirsty, or sleepy?

What is thirsty?


I have a dog named Boots. I taught him lots of tricks. When I tell him to, Boots will sit or lie down. He can also wave his paw to greet people. When I say "Dance boots", he will stand up on two legs and walk. I don't know if many dogs can do such amazing tricks. The main idea of this paragraph is: a. Boots is my dog b. Boots can sit c. Boots is very smart. d. Most dogs can't dance

c. Boots is very smart.


Read this passage Josh woke up early on Saturday morning and looked outside the window. The sun was out and it was hot. His dad called to Josh and said, “It is a perfect day, don’t forget to bring a towel!” Josh grabbed a towel and they left the house. Where do you think Josh and his dad were going?

The pool


Read the passage and determine the author's purpose HAMSTERS FOR SALE: Humble Pet Store, in the mall: We have a large selection of hamsters for sale this week. They are interesting pets, and you will enjoy having one! They are only $17.99 this week!! Come and buy yours today! What is the author's purpose ? __________________ a) entertain b) persuade c) inform d) share feelings

B) persuade


Little Red Riding Hood A. Never talk to strangers. B. Don't walk in the woods alone. C. Visit your grandmother. D. Hoods have always been fashionable.

What is never talk to strangers?


The delightful aroma of food cooking in the kitchen made my mouth water. Does aroma mean smell, color, or wealth?

What is smell?


ead the passage In his sophomore year of high school, Michael Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team at Laney High School in Wilmington, North Carolina. But at five feet and eleven inches tall, the coach believed that Jordan was too short to play at that level, so Jordan was cut from the team. Jordan didn’t let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, it pushed him to work even harder. He trained vigorously and grew another four inches the following summer. When he finally made the varsity squad, Jordan averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest basketball players in history. What is the theme of this story? A. If things get too hard just quit. B. You need to be short to be successful C. Michael Jorndan is an inspiration to all D. Never give up. Persistance pays off.

D. Never give up. Persistance pays off.


Lisa carefully examined the bug sitting on the leaf. She noticed that it had six legs and a hard shell. Lisa had never seen a bug like this before. She grabbed her magnifying glass and camera. What do you know about Lisa? A. She is helpful. B. She is afraid of bugs. C. She is very curious. D. She likes to play soccer.

C. She is very curious.


Read the passage then answer the question Purple dye was rare long ago. Since it was hard to get, it costs a lot. As a result purple became the imperial color. It was only used by kings and queens. In this paragraph imperial means a. royal b. special c. inside d. best

 A. royal


Beauty and the Beast A. Don't go in dark, mysterious castles. B. Some people are pretty, but some aren't. C. Don't look in the mirror too often. D. Don't judge people by how they look.

What is don't judge people by how they look?


Sarah is a novice soccer player. It is her first day of practice. Does novice mean professional, skilled, or beginner?

What is beginner?


Peter's parents bought a new carpet for the living room. Now, he has to take his shoes off when he enters the house. He's also not allowed to eat or drink in the living room any more. Peter's furry dog isn't allowed to play ball in there either. When his parents got the new carpet, there were lots of new rules. The main idea of this paragraph is: a. Peter cannot go in the living room. b. Peter's parents don't like the carpet. c. Peter likes to make a mess. d. Peter's parents made new rules so the new carpet stays clean.

D. Peter's parents made new rules so the new carpet stays clean.


Abbie has her backpack on her bed. She is packing for a trip. She lays out a waterproof jacket and rain hat, extra socks, a flashlight, compass, binoculars, and water bottle. She hunts for extra batteries and decides to bring her camera. She checks on her sleeping bag and helps her parents bring out the tent. Where are Abbie and her parents are going?

