Figurative Language
Text Structures
Word Parts
Grandma Etta's Wild Rice Soup

A type of figurative language which compares two unlike things by pretending one thing is/was/will be another thing (ex: Sally is a walking brain). 



a problem or issue in a story



All water on Earth is part of a cycle. Here's a simple way to think of it. Imagine a drop of water starting in the ocean. The sun heats the water. Then, the water evaporates, rising into the air as water vapor. Water vapor is the gas form of water. After that, water vapor collects together into clouds in the atmosphere. Next, the water falls from the clouds back to Earth as rain or snow. Finally, the water flows through streams and rivers back into the sea, and the cycle continues.

Chronological Order


What is the root word of: carefully



In paragraph 7, what does the word rifling mean?

moving            laboring

nudging           searching



A type of figurative language which compares two UNLIKE things using "like" or "as" (for example: "My sister is as fat as a cow.")



the time period and location where a story mostly takes place



If you visit Machu Picchu in Peru, you'll see why it's such a popular tourist site. For one thing, it's in a beautiful place, high up a mountain. Tourists spend days climbing the trail to see the scenery. Most exciting, however, is the history of the area. The site contains the ruins of a city built in the fifteenth century. In addition to the ruins, there are buildings that have been repaired so visitors can see how they looked originally. The temples and homes are made of huge stone blocks that fit closely together.

Main Idea and Details


un means not in all of the following except which word?

understand                unaware

unfit                         unsure



Why must they wait several days before making the soup?

a. They have trouble removing the canoe from the shed.

b. They need to let the rice dry in the sun.

c. They do not have the necessary amount of rice.

d. They cannot find enough okra in the garden.

b. They need to let the rice dry in the sun.


A type of figurative language that imitates the natural sound of a thing (example: POW!) - as long as you get close to saying it, I'll count it



the personality of a character

character traits


For hikers who get lost in the woods, a compass can save lives. A compass is a simple tool made of a small case holding a floating needle, or pointer. The pointer has a magnet on the end that points to Earth's northern magnetic pole. Looking at the compass, lost hikers can see which direction is north. Knowing which way is north helps them figure out the other directions and find their way to safety.

Problem and Solution


What is the suffix of harmless, voiceless, emotionless, and what does it mean? 

-less : without


Leroy performed all of the following chores EXCEPT -

a. picking tomatoes and okra

b. drawing water and getting the old iron pot

c. knocking off the ripe grain heads and washing the rice

d. stirring the pot and scooping out portions

d. stirring the pot and scooping out portions


A type of figurative language which is an exaggeration (ex: If I don't get a 600 on the SOL I am going to dieeeeee!!!)



the lesson or message in a story



Drinking soda or other bubbly drinks can make you burp, or belch. That loud sound comes from air or other gases in your stomach. Sometimes when you eat or drink, you swallow air. Since that air gets into your stomach, it has to come out. It comes out as a burp. Carbon dioxide, a gas that makes drinks bubbly, is in soda. That's why drinking soda can lead to more gas and more burping.

Cause and Effect


Which word uses the prefix -pre? 

president         apprentice  

predict            prey



Which sentence from the story makes the soup seem delicious?

a. It is the most difficult soup in the world to make.

b. First, we need some wild rice.

c. Proudly walking into the kitchen, he tumbled the vegetables onto the table.

d. Finally, the special soup began bubbling, and its sweet smell filled the air.

d. Finally, the special soup began bubbling, and its sweet smell filled the air.


A type of figurative language that gives human characteristics to nonhuman things (example: The trees danced in the wind)



using details from text and your background knowledge to come up with your own idea



Baseball and cricket are both popular sports that involve hitting a ball with a bat. However, they use different terms even for similar parts of the game. In cricket, the player who throws the ball first is the bowler. In baseball, on the other hand, that player is called the pitcher. The player behind the batter is the wicket-keeper in cricket. In baseball, this player is called the catcher instead. Players get outs in baseball, while they take wickets in cricket.

Compare and Contrast


What is the root word of disrespectful?



Based on the story, the author most likely believes that - 

a. people become closer when they share the workload

b. difficult recipes often taste the best

c. lives change when people come to visit

d. grandmothers love cooking for their families

a. people become closer when they share the workload
