Main Idea/Summary
Reading Strategies
Author's Purpose
Context Clues
Another name we use for Main Idea.
What is Gist?
What you look for in your passage in order to "prove" your answer?
What is text evidence?
Sally: Hey, come to the mall with me! Tammy: But I have homework. Sally: There is a sale at our favorite store. Tammy: Can we stop at the candy store really quick if I go? Sally: If you come to the mall with me, I promise we will! What is the author's purpose of the selection above? a. inform b. persuade c. entertain d. explain
What is (b) persuade?
Cliffs are not the only way waterfalls are formed. Waterfalls may also appear where the river flows over ground containing a hard bed of rock. The river WEARS away the softer rock on both sides of the hard bed. Once the hard rock is exposed, it forms a lege over which the water plunges. The word WEARS means___________. a. to have on the body b. scrapes or rubs c. clothing d. to last a long time
What is (b) scrapes or rubs?
Gabriel was trying to sleep but the sun was too bright in his room. He noticed the curtains were open. Gabriel wanted the room darker so he could sleep. What do you think Gabriel did next? a) opened his window to let in fresh air b) crawled under his bed c) slept in his closet d) closed the windows
What is "closed the windows?
Truman grabbed his fishing pole and tackle box and hurried down to the pond. Sitting down on the dock that jutted into the pond, he opened his tackle box and chose a blue plastic worm. Carefully, Truman worked the hook through the water and began working the fishing line. After five casts, a fish hit the line. Carefully Truman pulled back to set the hook, and began reeling in his catch. Truman pulled in the biggest fish he had ever seen in his life. He could hardly wait to run home and show it to his family. What is this passage mostly about? a. A day at the pond b. Fishing at the pond c. Baiting a hook d. Sitting on the dock
What is (b) Fishing at the pond
________ _________ helps the reader in determining the meaning of unfamiliar words. These "clues" can be found within, or in the surrounding sentences.
What is context clues?
Did you know that the largest ice cream sundae ever made weighed 54,914 pounds? It as made by Palm Dairies in Alberta, Canada on July 24, 1988. It had 44,689 pounds of ice cream, 9,688 pounds of syrup, and 537 pounds of topping! Yummy! What is the author's purpose of this selection? a. inform b. persuade c. entertain d.explain
What is (a) inform?
Hiking is an activity that can be enjoyed by almost anyone. Many people ENROLL in hiking clubs or groups. They join these clubs so they can be around other hikers and learn from their experiences. A hiker does not have to spend much money on equipment. In this passage, the word ENROLL means________. a. quit b. travel c. become a part of d. stay away from.
What is (c) become a part of.
Haley woke up and noticed the sun peering through her window. She was excited to go to school. She stretched and headed downstairs for something to eat. Based on the information from the paragraph, the reader can conclude that it is- a) morning time a) night time c) summer time d) first day of school
What is morning time?
Minerals are substances in rocks that industries use to manufacture products. Unlike plants and animals, minerals are not alive. Most minerals are hard, and many of them have to be dug from under the ground. A practice known as mining is used to bring the minerals from beneath the earth's surface. Some minerals, such as coal, can be used in the form in which they are found. However, most minerals have to be changed in some way before they can be used. Oil is broken down into many valuable products, such as gasoline and natural gas. Which sentence tells the main idea of the story? a. Minerals used in industries are mined from beneath the earth. b. Minerals are found in rocks. c. Oil is broken down into gasoline and natural gas. d. Mining is the practice of bringing minerals up from underground.
What is (a) Minerals used in industries are mined from beneath the earth.
The writing or notes that YOU write next to your paragraphs to help you.
What is Gist, or Main Idea?
Daniel, his mom, his dad, and his younger sister, Carina, lived in a faraway town called Tumbler Ridge in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. In the summer they would go exploring together. They looked for new caves and waterfalls and hiked to the tops of mountains. In the winter, they would go cross-country skiing together up frozen creeks and through beautiful canyons. One day they skied to a spot whre they found an old abandoned wooden cabin. Daniel said "Wouldn't it be fun to see what this place looks like in the summer? What is the author's purpose to this selection? a. inform b. persuade c. explain d. entertain
What is (d) entertain?
Heart attacks can be brought on by the pressures of everday life. Stress and strain at work, eating an UNBALANCED diet, smoking, drinking, alcohol, and taking drugs all lead to bad health. In this passage, the word UNBALANCED means__________ a. healthy b. heavy c. not healthy d. difficult
What is (c) not healthy.
Mark laid in his bed the entire day. His mom made him chicken soup for lunch. His trash can was overflowing with tissues. He hoped that tomorrow he would be able to go to school. The reader can infer that- a) Mark is sick and missed a day of school. b) Mark is lonely and doesn't have anyone to talk to. c) Mark is happy because he doesn't have to go to school. d) Mark is funny.
What is "sick and missed a day of school"?
A mother rabbit is gentle when she cares for her offspring. Before they are born, she builds a soft padded nest in a hollow scraped under the grass or in a burrow between the large roots of a tree. She carefully shreds leaves and collects grass to line the nest. Then she pulls bits of fur from her coat to make a warm bed. When baby rabbits are born, they have no fur and they cannot see. Because of this, the mother rabbit never leaves the nest without covering it with more leaves and grass to protect her offspring. What is the main idea of this story? a. Rabbits live in nests or burrows b. The mother rabbit uses her own fur to make a warm bed c. Rabbits are gentle d. A mother rabbit carefully cares for her babies
What is (d) A mother rabbit carefully cares for her babies?
During Reading, when you stop and think about what will happen next.
What is predicting?
Baiting a hook is a messy process. First, you have to dig the worm out of the ground or out of a cup of worms and dirt. Next, slide the worm on the hook, covering the hook so the fish can’t see it. Finally, toss the hook and worm into the water. Good luck! What is the author's purpose? a. inform b. entertain c. explain d. persuade
What is (c) explain?
Frank was ALL EYES as he watched Coco the Clown perform his juggling act. Five, six, then seven multicolored balls spun in a circle around Coco's head. How was he able to keep so many balls in the air without any of them falling to the ground? In this passage, the phrase ALL EYES means Frank_______________ a. has more than one pair of eyes b. didn't pay attention c. wears glasses d. watched carefully
What is (d) watched carefully?
Taylor couldn't find it anywhere. How was he supposed to catch the ball without it? Based on the information, the reader can conclude- a) Taylor is about to play baseball and is looking for his baseball mitt. b) Taylor is going to a boxing match. c) Taylor is looking for his winter gloves. d) Taylor is about to play golf and is looking for his golf gloves.
What is "Taylor is about to play baseball and is looking for his baseball mitt"?
Sand is made when rocks break into smaller pieces. Over a long period of time, wind, frost, and rain work against mountain cliffs and break off pieces of rock which fall down the mountainside. As the rock bounces down, it breaks off other pieces of rock it hits, and also breaks into smaller pieces itself. The water of rivers and oceans ruch against rocks, abreaking them into smaller and smaller pieces. The heavy ice of glaciers scrapes and grinds the rocks it moves along. the ice carries the sand it has made and dumps it in other places. All over the world, the ocean waves tear at the rocks along the shore, wearing them down until finally the rocks are so small they become what we call sand. What is this story mainly about? a. wind, frost, and rain b. Making sand c. Journey of a rock d. Beaches around the world
What is (b) Making sand?
After you have read your selection, you think of something that it reminds you of in your life, something you have read, or something in the world.
What is making connections?
Do you ever wonder how an e-mail gets from A friend’s computer to yours? When your friend Sends the message, his computer changes it into a Series of electronic blips. These will travel over phone Lines. First, the message goes to your friend’s service Provider. The service provider directs all messages to A routing station, or hub computer. The hub examines The e-mail address and decides on the quickest way to Get the message to your computer. The e-mail travels To another hub, either by satellite or over a superfast Cable connection. Then, the message travels to your Service provider and along your phone line to your Computer. Your computer translates the electronic blips Into your message. Now, you have e-mail. What is the author's purpose? a. inform b. explain c. persuade d. entertain
What is (b) explain?
Now that the oil wells had run dry, Michael's life had certainly changed. He was no longer able to LIVE LIKE A KING. He had to do his own work on the ranch, prepare his own meals, and take care of the house. It took him a lot of time to adjust. In this passage, the phrase LIVE LIKE A KING means_____________ a. married to a queen b. sit on a throne c. have someone else do all his work d. ruling a country
What is (c) have someone else do all his work.
David laughed as he got all the leaves into a pile. Dad grinned and said, "Only two more bags to go!" The reader can conclude that a) David is drawing a n autumn picture. b) David is raking the leaves in his yard. c) David is taking out the trash. d). David is baking a cake for his mom's birthday.
What is "David is raking the leaves in his yard"?