Main Idea/Summary
TEK 5.11 A
Making Inferences

Figure 19 (D)
Roles/Functions of Characters in Various Plots

TEK 5.6 B
Context Clues

TEK 5.2 B
Authors viewpoint or position
Another name we use for Main Idea.
What is Gist, Summary, or Topic
What two things should a reader consider when making an inference on a piece of text?
What is textual evidence AND background knowledge?
Which of the following do you NOT consider when analyzing a character from the text? a. feelings b. actions c.voice d. sayings e. thoughts
What is C. voice?
Cliffs are not the only way waterfalls are formed. Waterfalls may also appear where the river flows over ground containing a hard bed of rock. The river WEARS away the softer rock on both sides of the hard bed. Once the hard rock is exposed, it forms a lege over which the water plunges. The word WEARS means___________. a. to have on the body b. scrapes or rubs c. clothing d. to last a long time
What is (b) scrapes or rubs?
What are the four purposes for an author writing a piece of text?
Truman grabbed his fishing pole and tackle box and hurried down to the pond. Sitting down on the dock that jutted into the pond, he opened his tackle box and chose a blue plastic worm. Carefully, Truman worked the hook through the water and began working the fishing line. After five casts, a fish hit the line. Carefully Truman pulled back to set the hook, and began reeling in his catch. Truman pulled in the biggest fish he had ever seen in his life. He could hardly wait to run home and show it to his family. What is this passage mostly about? a. A day at the pond b. Fishing at the pond c. Baiting a hook d. Sitting on the dock
What is (b) Fishing at the pond
Mars, a reddish orange planet often seen in the night sky, has long been of interest to humans. Many years ago, scientists used telescopes to chart the movements of Mars. Modern scientists can do more than just look at Mars through a telescope. Based on the passage, how has modern science helped those with an interest in Mars? a. They can only use telescopes to see the planet. b. They can obtain new, in-depth information about the planet. c. They can fly to visit the planet on their own. d. They can learn about other planets as well.
What is B. They can obtain new, in-depth information about the planet?
Cleo, Althea, and Andre were about to set out on quite the adventure. Cleo was the first to wake up. He called Althea, "Are you ready? It's time."------ "Meet you at the spot." She replied and hung up. She quickly got dressed, grabbed her coat, and walked out her front door to darkness.----When they arrived at the hill, the sun had just started to appear, creating a beautiful orange sky."The space shuttle's first mission was in 1982." He told Althea and Andre. "We are about to witness the last space shuttle mission. We are seeing history!"------QUESTION: How are the three characters in the story above likely related? a.They are brothers and sisters b.They are good friends. c. The are strangers who just met d. They met at he hill the day before
What is B. they are good friends?
Hiking is an activity that can be enjoyed by almost anyone. Many people ENROLL in hiking clubs or groups. They join these clubs so they can be around other hikers and learn from their experiences. A hiker does not have to spend much money on equipment. In this passage, the word ENROLL means________. a. quit b. travel c. become a part of d. stay away from.
What is (c) become a part of.
Coyotes Invade Downtown************ The discovery of a wild coyote in late 1997 in the Henry M. Jackson Federal Building in downtown Seattle should come as a wake-up call. The United States has a serious coyote problem! From their traditional enclaves in the western desert, these opportunistic canines have now invaded the entire continental United States. They have taken over parks, farms, vacant lots, and now perhaps the downtown areas of major cities. Homeowners report losing cats and dogs to the beasts, and young children are under attack. Enough is enough. Since humans are the only natural enemy of coyotes, we demand that state and federal agencies institute coyote trapping programs. That is the only way to decrease the number of coyotes to a manageable level.------- QUESTION: What is the author’s purpose for writing this?
What is to INFORM the reader on coyotes?
Minerals are substances in rocks that industries use to manufacture products. Unlike plants and animals, minerals are not alive. Most minerals are hard, and many of them have to be dug from under the ground. A practice known as mining is used to bring the minerals from beneath the earth's surface. Some minerals, such as coal, can be used in the form in which they are found. However, most minerals have to be changed in some way before they can be used. Oil is broken down into many valuable products, such as gasoline and natural gas. Which sentence tells the main idea of the story? a. Minerals used in industries are mined from beneath the earth. b. Minerals are found in rocks. c. Oil is broken down into gasoline and natural gas. d. Mining is the practice of bringing minerals up from underground.
What is (a) Minerals used in industries are mined from beneath the earth.
I am not in a good mood. My head feels like a balloon, I cannot stop shivering, and I can barely breathe. No matter how much I blow into a tissue, I cannot clear my nose enough to take in a good breath of air. To make matters worse, my mother has dragged me out of my warm bed to this awful place filled with miserable people. Everywhere around me, I hear people sneezing and coughing. I can only imagine all of the germs floating around this place. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up even more. How is this supposed to make me feel better? I glance at the clock and see that we have already been waiting for forty minutes. Just as I am about to complain to my mom again, a lady in red scrubs calls my name. My mother gets up to follow her, and I gloomily trail behind. Based on the passage, what can the reader conclude about the narrator? a. The narrator is in the waiting room of a doctor's office. b. The narrator is missing school because he or she is sick. c. The narrator is taking his sick mother to see a doctor. d. The narrator is at school waiting to see the principal.
What is A. The narrator is in the waiting room of a doctor's office?
Mike walked into the living room and found his dad's favorite Xbox game, Thunder Ducks, broken on the floor. He needed to do something quick. Mike had an idea. "Quick, Pebbles come up here!" Mike shouted calling the family dog. Mike grabbed the broken game and put it into Pebbles mouth. Just then,his dad walked into the house. "Hey Mike, guess what?" He yelled excitedly. "I accidentally stepped on my Thunder Ducks game and broke it so I went to the store and bought Thunder Ducks 2. At that moment, Mike realized the broken game was not his fault after all. He felt so poorly for coming up with his crazy plan that he told his dad exactly what happened. " ------- QUESTION: Why did Mike feel bad? a. He felt guilty for coming up with a lie. b.His dog was going to get in trouble for his mistake. c.His dad found out that he was lying
What is A. he felt guilty for coming up with a lie?
Heart attacks can be brought on by the pressures of everday life. Stress and strain at work, eating an UNBALANCED diet, smoking, drinking, alcohol, and taking drugs all lead to bad health. In this passage, the word UNBALANCED means__________ a. healthy b. heavy c. not healthy d. difficult
What is (c) not healthy.
I was born in the state of Michoacán. I was born in a small town called Quinceo. Life there was simple and peaceful. There was a small church where we would go to hear mass on Sundays. There was a corral where we would go and watch rodeos. After school, my friends and I would go for a swim in a creek. My mom did not work; she stayed at home taking care of our family. Life in Quinceo was nice, but money was sometimes not enough to support us. In 1996, the day came when my dad decided to bring us to the United States. Leaving my town was hard, but it was important that my family stay together. When I left Mexico, I had a lot of special friends and nice teachers.*******1. How does the writer feel about the United States? a. He likes it. b. He does not like it. c. He is not sure. d. He does not know it well.
What is A. he likes it?
A mother rabbit is gentle when she cares for her offspring. Before they are born, she builds a soft padded nest in a hollow scraped under the grass or in a burrow between the large roots of a tree. She carefully shreds leaves and collects grass to line the nest. Then she pulls bits of fur from her coat to make a warm bed. When baby rabbits are born, they have no fur and they cannot see. Because of this, the mother rabbit never leaves the nest without covering it with more leaves and grass to protect her offspring. What is the main idea of this story? a. Rabbits live in nests or burrows b. The mother rabbit uses her own fur to make a warm bed c. Rabbits are gentle d. A mother rabbit carefully cares for her babies
What is (d) A mother rabbit carefully cares for her babies?
Due to their incredible force and unpredictability, floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. Floods often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood. *** Based on what you have read, you can INFER or CONCLUDE that: a. Cleaning up after a flood can be expensive and take time. b. Floods only occur along the coast. c. Floods are not that dangerous. d. After flood waters dry up, the problem is over. b. Floods only occur along the coast. c. Floods are not that dangerous. d. After flood waters dry up, the problem is over.
What is A. Cleaning up after a flood can be expensive and take time?
Realizing a young girl couldn't swim and was struggling to stay afloat, the onlooker dove into the cold, dark water to save her. The family was so thankful for their daughter being saved that they offered the onlooker a reward for his bravery. The onlooker refused any money and returned to his families picnic table.----- QUESTION: Why is the onlooker important to this story? a. he brought extra food to the picnic b. he found a shortcut to the lake c. he saved another humans life d. he offered a reward to the others
What is C. he saved another humans life?
Frank was ALL EYES as he watched Coco the Clown perform his juggling act. Five, six, then seven multicolored balls spun in a circle around Coco's head. How was he able to keep so many balls in the air without any of them falling to the ground? In this passage, the phrase ALL EYES means Frank_______________ a. has more than one pair of eyes b. didn't pay attention c. wears glasses d. watched carefully
What is (d) watched carefully?
My education now is different from the one in Mexico. Here, I am studying in two languages. I feel very happy because I am able to communicate in two languages. Now that I have been here three years, I am proud to offer my help and support to people who need it. I urge those who come from Mexico and other countries to learn English and to continue speaking their native language, too. It will help them reach out to others.*******4. What does the writer want people to do? a. learn other languages b. move to other countries c. become teachers
What is A. learn other languages?
Sand is made when rocks break into smaller pieces. Over a long period of time, wind, frost, and rain work against mountain cliffs and break off pieces of rock which fall down the mountainside. As the rock bounces down, it breaks off other pieces of rock it hits, and also breaks into smaller pieces itself. The water of rivers and oceans ruch against rocks, abreaking them into smaller and smaller pieces. The heavy ice of glaciers scrapes and grinds the rocks it moves along. the ice carries the sand it has made and dumps it in other places. All over the world, the ocean waves tear at the rocks along the shore, wearing them down until finally the rocks are so small they become what we call sand. What is this story mainly about? a. wind, frost, and rain b. Making sand c. Journey of a rock d. Beaches around the world
What is (b) Making sand?
THE LAND OF NOD By Robert Louis Stevenson*** (STANZA 1) From breakfast on through all the day home among my friends I stay, But every night I go abroad Afar into the land of Nod.***(STANZA 2) The strangest things are there for me, Both things to eat and things to see, And many frightening sights abroad Till morning in the land of Nod.***(STANZA 3) Try as I like to find the way, I never can get back by day, Nor can remember plain and clear The curious music that I hear. ***QUESTION: In the final stanza of "The Land of Nod," the speaker says it is not possible to get back to the place or hear the music.*** This is because a. it was all a dream. b. it was torn down long ago. c. he can't fall asleep anymore. d. he forgot what he was thinking about.
What is A. it was all a dream?
Today is the big day! I've spent hours making sure my dress, hair, and makeup are just fine. Suddenly, I begin to panic. "MOM, MOM! I left my flower basket at home!" I say with tears in my eyes. "It's okay honey. Slow down and breath." Mom raced out the door and within seconds appears at the door and hands me my basket. I hug and thank her as I hurry down the aisle. -----QUESTION: Mom contributes to solving the narrator's problem mostly by- a. giving the narrator a hug b. yelling at the narrator for being forgetful c. getting the item the narrator forgot d. saying it will be okay
What is C. getting the item the narrator forgot
Now that the oil wells had run dry, Michael's life had certainly changed. He was no longer able to LIVE LIKE A KING. He had to do his own work on the ranch, prepare his own meals, and take care of the house. It took him a lot of time to adjust. In this passage, the phrase LIVE LIKE A KING means_____________ a. married to a queen b. sit on a throne c. have someone else do all his work d. ruling a country
What is (c) have someone else do all his work.
During Christmas time the Johnson children would put on a play about their life. Their audience was their mom who was to sick to get out of bed. Each of them played themselves, except for Felicia, who played mommas part. Mama laughed and laughed. The play was funny because everyone was so happy. They remembered how excited everyone had been to move to Chicago. They even had Mrs. Jones come in and play her part. She was their neighbor now and had been the first person they met when they moved in. "I love this play!" said Mama, "I feel so much better. A loving family is definitely the best medicine, and a good neighbor helps everyone feel better."******QUESTION: How do you think the writer feels about Mrs. Jones? a. She is a nosy neighbor. b. She is a good neighbor. c. She is a difficult person. d. She is a lonely person.
What is B. she is a good neighbor?