The litrugy is also called the
How many sacraments are effective signs given to us by Jesus through which we share in God's life
Mary's mom is called
During this season we prepare for Christmas
The Messiah is another name for who
This is the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is called
The Paschal Mystery
The main thing used in Baptism is
Mary's cousin is
The colors used for Advent and lent are
This helps us choose between good and wrong choices
This prayer is the prayer the professes our faith
Apostle's or Nicene Creed
These 3 sacraments help us become full members of the church (Sacraments of ___)
Sacraments of Initiation
Mary being freed from sin is called the
Immaculate conception
This season we are called to reflect on our journey with Christ as he prepares for The Paschal Mystery
Name 3 gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, Fear of the Lord
Us receiving the body of Christ is called
These two sacraments of service are called to serve God and the church through these specific callings
Holy Orders and Matrimony
The Angel appearing to Mary to tell of her plan with Jesus is called
The annunciation
This season lasts about 12 days after Advent celebrating the birth of Jesus
Loving God with all your heart mind and soul and loving your neighbor as yourself is called the
Days where we have to go to mass outside of Sundays are called
Holy Days of Obligation
anointing of the sick and pennance
This is a popular prayer/devotion of us praying with Mary that involves a particular item
The Rosary
The 3 most important days of the church year
This is what we are called to do; to preach and spread the good news of God