Who was the first martyr of the Philippines?
Saint Lorenzo Ruiz
Who baptized Jesus in the Jordan River?
John the Baptist
Who prayed for Saul so that he would be healed of his blindness?
Who experienced a dramatic conversion when he met the Risen Jesus on the road to Damascus?
Saint Paul
Who started a newspaper called, "The Catholic Worker"?
Dorothy Day
Who escaped captivity in Ireland and returned there years later as a priest to evangelize the people?
Saint Patrick
Who sacrificed his own life so that another prisoner would be spared?
Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Who was a missionary to the Potawatomi Indians?
Saint Rose Duchesne
Who helped Native Americans and African Americans?
Saint Katharine Drexel
Who commissioned the Apostles to baptize new followers in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit?
Jesus Christ